Chapter 22

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(This is going to be the final chapter of The Winter Soldier, also side note, this is my third favourite film in the MCU, what's yours favourite Marvel Movie, mine's Endgame)


Everyone is in the room they all sat in before, Sam is in his Falcon gear, Cap in his original Captain America outfit, Nat is going in undercover as a member of the council and Maria is in her S.H.I.E.L.D gear, Rebecca is just wearing her normal clothes as she will be helping take down some of the agents using Toxin.

Steve: Is everybody ready?

Everyone nodded.

Rebecca: Wait... where's (Y/N)?

Nick smirked and sat back in his chair again, Nick was back to being in his normal gear with his long black coat,

Nick: He's right behind you.

Obviously they all turned around to see a black suit of armour with a white symbol on the chest, whoever it is was looking at his hands as if he is inspecting the armour...

Steve: (Y/N)?

The man in the armour looks at them and they all get a good look at him as he raises an assault rifle in his hands...

The man in the armour looks at them and they all get a good look at him as he raises an assault rifle in his hands

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Venom: How do I look?

His voice seemed deeper then normal, maybe Venoms taking most of the control, but Nick still smiles.

Nick: How does it feel?

Venom: I feel... great... quicker, stronger, faster...

Venom then got an idea as put the assault rifle on the holder on his back and looked at Steve.

Venom: Cap, come here and brace yourself...

Steve shrugged and did it, Steve planted his feet on the floor and held his shield in front of himself.

Venom: Ready?

Steve nodded and Venom pulled his right hand back and hit Steve's shield right in the star and sent Steve sliding back into the wall, everyone looked surprised as they've seen many foes hit Steve's shield but none of them have sent Steve back like that, Steve get's up and smiles as they all get ready to take on their respective jobs...


Everyone was in position, Venom and Rebecca are making their way to the S.H.I.E.L.D HQ with Maria, Steve and Sam as Nat goes in the front door posing as a member of the council, but when they get to the HQ, Venom and Rebecca are going to try and find Riot who will probably already be on one off the Helicarrier's and not easy to get to, but that wouldn't be very fun now would it.

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