Chapter 32

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Everyone was now ready in their gear as they are in the Guardians space ship heading to where Thanos is, Bruce and Nebula were up front flying as Rocket is in his chair and Carol is sitting in Quill's, the others are sat in the back as they are just along for the ride.

Rocket: Okay. Who here hasn't been to space?

Nat, Steve and Rhodes are the only ones who raised there hands as Carol chuckles and Rhodes asks...

Rhodes: Why?

Rocket: You better not throw up on my ship.

Rocket then faced front as (Y/N)leaned back and let out a calming sigh, he is finally going to get his hands on Thanos and no one will get in his way of that.

Nebula: Approaching jump in three...two... one.

The ship jumped through time and space as Steve looked on in wonder, but within a blink of an eye they were looking at the planet the smaller pulse came from, (Y/N) smiled as Venom licked his lips in anticipation, but then (Y/N) looked around the ship and asked himself, is there anything that can stop him from getting to Thanos, he doesn't want to hurt his friends, Carol he couldn't care about, he's just met her and she is already a bit of a stuck up bitch. 

Speaking of her, she exited the ship and got on the comms and spoke before she shot at high speeds towards the waiting planet.

Carol: I'll head down for a recon.

Carol took off leaving the rest of Earth's mightiest hero's to wait fro her to come back and tell them what they already know, (Y/N) was looking out the window as he stands with Nat to his left and Steve sits to her left, Thor stands behind Steve as they all wait, Nat looks over to Steve to se him looking at the picture he has of Peggy Carter.

Nat: This is gonna work Steve.

Steve: I know it will. 'Cause I don't know what I'm gonna do if it doesn't.

(Y/N) then thinks for a second, he never thought about that, what will happen if this doesn't work, that means he was the cause of half the human race going extincted, he can't let that happen.

Carol came back after a few moments of everyone pondering what was about to happen.

Carol: No satellites. No ships. No armies. No ground defences of any kind. It's just him.

This confused them as they went into this expecting a fight, but apparently they won't be getting as big of one as they were expecting, but nothing is stopping (Y/N) from getting his hands on Thanos.

(Y/N): Then let's go give him some company.

The ship landed not far from what looked like a man made hut, once the ship had fully landed the cargo doors opened allowing the remaining Avengers to step off and onto a alien planet, but before anyone could move (Y/N) turned to them.

(Y/N): Look I don't ask for much, but give me 5 minutes. Please.

 Asked looking towards Steve as he was practically begging him, Steve wasn't the sort of man to allow this to happen but this isn't a normal situation.

Steve: Go.

(Y/N) smirked at them as he made his way towards the hut that Thanos is staying in, but before he gets to far, Steve gives one more order.

Steve: Just don't kill him...


((Y/n)'s POV)

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