Chapter 19

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As the two parties made their way to exit the first level where they were just attacked by the snow foxes, the snow that covered the ground was light, fluffy, and deep, reaching the taller members' knees. Arthur and Claire ignited their bodies with fire mana to help melt some of the snow as they walked. This resulted in everyone's boots getting soaked from the excess water, but in the back the snow walls that formed were caving in as the water froze to ice. Grawder was the only one who wasn't affected by this since he was so large that the snow didn't even slow him and the ice cracked under his weight. On Grawders back rode Curtis, as he glared downwards to Lunaris who was chatting happily with Kathyln, even earning a few small smiles from her as she carried a black cat that belonged to Lunaris that no one saw before during the fight.

As they exited the chamber the ground quickly transitioned to cold stone as they entered the tunnel. They quickly learned to watch their steps as large patches of ice were spread out along the ground, as most of them started slipping shortly after exiting the snow. Most recovered quickly and were able to avoid actually falling, with only the newcomer elf Karen actually falling. Arthur, Kathyln, and Orson were the only ones who didn't even slip. Lilia slipped, but was caught by Curtis, who gave her a dreamy prince-like smile that caused her to blush before quickly getting back to her feet and doing her best not to face anyone as she tried to regain her composure.

"Ok, this is good enough," Arthur said as they entered an area far enough away from the first floor.

Without a word Elijah created a wall in the direction of the first floor, with a small opening in the top, too small for any dangerous mana beasts to come through. At the same time, Curtis and Claire pulled some wood out of there dimensional rings and started a fire to warm everyone up.

"We'll rest and warm back up here. In the meantime, I believe some introductions are in order," Arthur said as he looked to Lunaris.

"Of course," Lunaris replied with a respectful bow of his head while his cat jumped from Kathyln's arms to his shoulder, as he and his two companions walked to the front of the group. "My name is Lunaris Aldwynn, light orange core augmenter with dual affinities in fire and wind." Lunaris's cat then made a meow as it poked his cheek with its paw. "And this is my shadow cat bond, Ailuros," Lunaris added with a chuckle as his bond bowed its head slightly.

"Hmm, your bond doesn't look very strong. I guess it's useless in a fight then," Curtis commented as he patted Grawder.

"While you are correct that he isn't very helpful in a fight..." in a wisp of black smoke Ailuros disappeared from Lunaris's shoulder. "He does have a rather useful ability." Ailuros then, without anyone realizing he was there, hit Curtis on the forehead with both front paws in rapid succession. Curtis quickly reached up to catch the cat, but his hands just passed through another wisp of smoke. "You see," Lunaris started as his bond reappeared back on his shoulder from another wisp of smoke, "he has this great defense measure."

"Teleportation," Arthur said in shock.

"That's right. Even though Ailuros isn't very strong, he is capable of sending himself anywhere he can see or has ever been before," Lunaris replied as he scratched the back of Ailuros's neck.

"Can he carry a person?" Claire asked.

"No, but he can carry small things. I've had him carry letters back home for me, and sometimes bring one back. It's a lot less expensive and wasteful than communication scrolls," Lunaris replied. "But enough about me, let's continue with the rest of my party."

"Hello everyone, I am Karen Rivers," the young elf girl said as she stepped forward. "Solid orange core, augmenter, with a single affinity to water, and as you may have seen, my weapon of choice is a dual bladed staff that can separate in the middle to make it into two weapons if needed. It's a fighting style passed down through my family."

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