Chapter 29

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Arthur and Tess walked along the shopping strip, stopping at every food cart along the way. After the initial bowls of food, Tess decided it might be more fun to share the food. She had some real joy in feeding Arthur, and being fed by him. Her favorite was at a cart that had baked desserts, where she fed Arthur a cupcake. In that moment, one of them had their thoughts triggered to feeding each other wedding cake, their wedding cake.

Of course they drew plenty of attention, many old adventurers looked upon them with a nostalgic smile, as they remembered their youth. They also brought negative attention, from some who glared around them with disgust, as they felt mixing of the races was wrong. However they merely ignored those people, and just enjoyed each others company even more. For the most part the negative people kept away, mostly because they either could sense Arthur's core strength, or couldn't, so they didn't want to risk crossing someone so strong.

There was one daring duo of young adventurers, who dared to risk it all. Arthur had seen these two older teens, one of them using wind spells to blow up women's skirts, while the other just enjoyed the view. Arthur was disgusted by this immature behavior, and had no intention of dealing with them, until he realized they were following them. Arthur had cast his own wind spells to block the one teens several times when he tried to blow up Tess' dress, but eventually he became too annoyed with them and decided to step up his efforts. Arthur had taken note of professor Geist's fire pillar spell, and despite his dislike of the former professor, Arthur was able to actually learn something from his short time teaching. Again the teen was preparing a wind spell, but this time Arthur took a different approach, and ignited the teens boot on fire with a blue flame. The teen panicked and aborted his spell as he and his friend tried to put out the flames. The second teen put out the flames quickly enough with his water magic, then turned his sights on Arthur. However as he was preparing his spell, he became entangled in vines.

"You can look out for me all you want, but just know I'm looking out for you too," Tess said as she intertwined her finger with his.

After a few stands down they noticed one that had absolutely no business, and decided to check it out.

"Excuse me, what do you sell here?" Arthur asked.

The man's eyes lit up. "It's my own creation. I call it iced cream." The man stated as he opened a compartment on the top.

"No way this can be the same thing," Arthur thought to himself, as fog was seen billowing out from the extreme cold inside.

The man grabbed what looked like a waffle cone and a large spoon, and began scooping. The scoops were purple, and looked like ice cream Arthur was familiar with from his previous life, but the real question was, would it taste the same.

"Hear you go," The man said as he held out the cone.

Tess' hands were full, one holding his hand, and the other holding a skewer of meat on a stick. Arthur took his free hand and took the cone. Arthur was about to take a lick of the frozen confection, but noticed an almost pleading look on Tess' face as she looked at him. Arthur sighed and leaned the cone in for her.

"Brr, it's cold, and it tastes sweet, it's so good," Tess replied happily after licking some off the cone.

"Thank you miss," the man replied. "Oh, you've got some in your nose."

"Oh," Tess giggled a little and tried to lick it off, but her tongue just couldn't reach.

"Just a moment, I've got something," the man said as he was looking around.

"That's ok, I've got it," Arthur replied. He then leaned in and kissed Tess' nose, removing the ice cream.

Arthur remembered back during his youth in his previous life he had two friends who dated. He remembered one time something similar happened with the girl having icing on her nose. The boy had done the same as Arthur just did, and the girl had the same exact reaction.

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