Chapter 12

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It was a beautiful day, warm but not too warm, a light breeze was blowing, birds were chirping, there was a field of flowers alongside a crystal clear stream. Tess was alone crouched down filling her water bag from the stream. Upon filling it up she put the cap on, stood up, turned around, and saw Arthur walking towards her with a big smile on his face. But for some reason he wasn't wearing his adventurer clothes, he was wearing traditional elven formal attire. Tess had no idea why Arthur was wearing clothes like that, but she had to admit, he looked very handsome and dashing.

"Art why are you dressed like that?" Tess asked as he continued to close the distance between them.

Arthur didn't reply, he just continued walking. Once Arthur arrived at Tess he smashed his lips into hers and began to kiss her passionately as he placed his hands on her cheeks.

"Art?!" Tess questioned in shock when he broke the kiss, her whole body blushing bright red.

"I love you Tess, I've always loved you. I was just to blind to see it," Arthur replied then returned to kissing Tess.

Tess' joy right now knew no limits, her body felt warm, her heart was racing as if it was about to burst out of her chest. Arthur just confessed that he loved her, a dream come true for the young elf. Arthur pushed her back slightly and into a tree, that Tess didn't know was even there before. Arthur's hands moved from Tess' cheeks and down to her waist, as his lips moved down to her neck.

"Oh Art," Tess moaned softly as Arthur kissed her neck.

Arthur's right hand moved down from Tess' waist and to her thigh, then began to move up again slowly. Soon Arthur's hand began to move under her skirt. Tess couldn't believe what Arthur was doing, she never knew this side of him even existed, but was so excited to learn of it. This was it, Arthur was about to reach her ....


Tess shot up right, sweat pouring from her face as her heart raced. She looked around to see that she was in her tent alone.


Tess quickly grabbed her staff and burst out of her tent, ready to do battle with whatever beasts were attacking the camp. Upon her emergence she saw the rest of her friends exiting as well, and in the middle of camp was Grawder, making his presence heard.

"Sorry everyone," Curtis apologized as he walked to his bond. "I guess I forgot to warn you, I trained Grawder to wake me up every morning shortly after sunrise." Just about everyone groaned and complained about this.

Tess now having time to think, realized everything she just experienced was only a dream.

"I hate you Grawder," Tess mumbled under her breath angrily due to the mana beast ruining her dream.

"Good morning Tess," Arthur yawned, his blue sword in hand, while standing outside of his tent beside hers.

"Good morning," Tess quickly and scurried back into her tent.

Arthur looked at Tess' tent confused as to why she moved back into her tent so quickly. Yes her hair was a complete mess, but Arthur had seen her hair worse after they would train. Arthur in the end just shook his head and reached back into his tent for his boots before he started his day.

Tess just laid on top of her sleeping bag, a smile on her face while her heart was still racing from her dream. Her right hand moved from her lips to her neck. She had never had a dream like that before, it was so vivid and felt so real. Although she knew Arthur would never do anything like that at this point, she wondered if he would in the future after they were in a romantic relationship for a little while.

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