Chapter 3

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Currently Arthur was sitting inside the glass enclosure at his Team-Fighting Mechanics I class, staring down at half of the students taking part in a large group exercise. The purpose of the exercise was to get from one side of the field to the other without suffering any casualties, while also being attacked by instructors and clearing obstacles. The instructors were clearly holding back, and the protective gear they were wearing was extremely sensitive, going off with only two hits. The students on the other hand were moving through the obstacles in tight formation, only breaking when necessary to clear an obstacle, but making sure they still covered those that had to break off. Arthur couldn't help but be curious about the timing of this lesson, as it would be very useful when he and the others became adventurers over the summer, and figured Claire must have asked Professor Glory to go over this lesson for them. Currently Curtis and Grawder were taking point for the group while Tess was acting as the team leader. Arthur wished they all could have been down there working together, but seeing this unfold also helped Arthur get some insight into the team tactics that would be needed while moving through dungeons with his team specifically. As he watched he could see Curtis and Grawder would occasionally start to pull too far ahead of the team and Tess would have to call for him to slow down. It wasn't that the rest of the team was too slow, but that the size of Grawder's steps was so big. Arthur made a mental note of this as if it continued that would be something that would need a solution before they entered any dungeons.

As Arthur watched how Tess' team responded to an attack while trying to go over a bridge barely wide enough for Grawder, someone stepped right in his way.

"Excuse me, but could you please move? I'm trying to watch," Arthur stated as he tried to look around the persons legs, not bothering to see who it was.

"That was you wasn't it," Clive accused.

"I don't know what you're talking about, can you just move out of my way please," Arthur replied, annoyance coming through clearly in his voice.

"I know it was you. This morning after the meeting. You hit me with a killing intent that brought me down to my knees," Clive continued, as his fists tightened and his whole body shook with anger.

"Wow, brought down just by a killing intent. I wouldn't go around bragging about that if I were you," Arthur taunted. "Also, it's pretty much impossible to determine who did that, so please stop throwing around baseless accusations."

"They aren't baseless, you are one of the very few people at that school who are even capable of that, and the only one who would do that to me," Clive said through this teeth, clearly struggling to contain his anger.

Arthur on the other hand remained cool and calm. "Well you're so smart that you figured it out, congratulations," Arthur replied sarcastically. Arthur's eyes then moved up and looked at Clive for the first time since he blocked Arthur's view. His eyes were cold and threatening. "Also a peace of advise. If Tess ever stops you like that again, maybe you should just take that as a sign to not go after her again. If she doesn't stop you, someone else might."

Clive then grabbed Arthur by the collar of his shirt and lifted him to his feet, completely enraged by Arthur. "Don't you ever fuck'n talk so casually about Tessia. She is so far out of your reach you're lucky to just touch the ground she walks on," Clive spat.

Arthur wiped the spit off of his face from while Clive spoke, than grabbed both of Clive's hands. "First off, Tess and I go way back, further back than you two." Arthur said as he removed one of Clive's hands. His voice so cold that it sent chills down the spines of the students who could hear him. "Second, she doesn't want me, to call her Tessia, or princess, or anything other than Tess." Arthur said as he removed the other hand. "Now I don't care about your problem with me, I'll deal with you however I have to. But if I ever catch you grabbing her, hurting her, or making any unwanted advancement, I will make you wish that I was only using my killing intent to handle you," Arthur threatened as he applied force to Clive's hands, causing his knees to buckle and crash down to one knee as if he was begging for mercy.

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