Chapter 31

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At the sound of the roar the ground began to shake, and at the entrance the ground began raising, revealing where the beast was hiding. Once out of the ground the beast was seen to be black and bear-like, with a large horn on its head, and was a little bigger than a modest house.

"Shit, I can definitely see that thing wiping out a team that size," Adam stated as he re-enforced his body with more mana.

"What is it?" Claire asked, with a tinge of fear in her voice.

"I have no Idea," Helen replied, her eyes wide as the burly beast shook the dirt from its body and it blocked their exit.

Arthur's eyes were locked right on the beast, more specifically the horn, as he remembered the times this past year he had seen and heard of this feature. His body shook, but not with fear, but rage as he remembered the condition he found Lance Alea in and everything she had told him.

"Alright everyone keep calm, this beast may be big, but size isn't everything. If we work as a team we can beat it and all make it out of here," Helen said in an effort to not only quell everyone else's fear, but also her own.

"Grrooarrrrrrr!" The beast roared again even louder than before, but it wasn't facing them.

"GGRRRROOAAAARRRRRRR!" Another beast roared in reply.

The ground began shaking again, and a little further into the chamber two more of the same beast emerged from under the ground, even larger than the first.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Curtis yelled in a terrified shock. "How the hell are we supposed to fight three of them?"

Helen's eyes shifted from one beast to the next as she weighed her options, before her eyes fell onto her party. More than half of them were still technically children, none even adults yet, all with so much time ahead of them. Helen refused to let them die.

"Alright everyone listen up! Twin horns, we're attacking the one by the exit. We'll keep its attention on us, while you kids escape!" Helen ordered.

"What?!" The younger members yelled, as the rest of the twin horns internally agreed with Helen's plan, and were ready to die to give them a chance.

"Like hell we're leaving you all!" Theo protested.

"We're adventurers too, we're staying to fight!" Claire argued.

"Listen to me. These things could very easily be S rank or higher. Either way, we don't stand a chance against three of them," Helen argued. "Arthur, back me..." Helen stopped speaking as she and everyone else felt an incredible pressure.

They all looked to see that the pressure was coming from Arthur, as his hair turned white and golden runes began showing on his body. Then a dark light glowed, as Sylvie took on her full sized dragon form.

"So this is Arthur's beast will Jasmine told us about. Gods, I can feel it, so much power. I can definitely see how he was able to single handedly defeat an S ranked beast," Helen thought to herself as she and the others looked on in awe.

"Helen," Arthur said, breaking her from her thoughts as he looked over his shoulder, showing his now purple eyes. His voice ringing with the authority of a king, no, something greater. "You all take the small one, Sylvie and I will take these two."

"RROOOAAAARRRRRR!" Sylvie roared, sounding even more powerful and intimidating than the massive bears.

"Looks like can't talk when she transforms," Curtis commented.

"No, sometimes a roar is just a roar," Jasmine replied.

"Alright everyone you heard them," Helen called out, getting everyone's attention, as she felt a surge of strength and confidence from seeing Arthur and Sylvie transform. "Durden,Tessia, I want you two restricting its movements. Lilia, Angela, Kathyln you three are on defense. We don't know what these things are capable of, so be ready to cast large scale defensive spells to protect everyone. Feyrith, Elijah, you're with me on ranged attacks. Adam take Theo and Claire, Jasmine take Curtis and Grawder, attack in teams and come at it from different angles. And Claire, use that communication scroll and get your uncle to send that recovery team!" Helen ordered, then pulled back an arrow on her bow. "NOW ATTACK!" Helen yelled as she released her arrow, and the teams went to work.

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