Chapter 4

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The three teens arrived at the Helstea Manor and were escorted to the dinning room by one of the servants. Their timing was perfect, as everyone else was just taking their seats. The two families happily welcomed their children home, and the Leywins also made sure to welcome Tess as they felt she would one day be family, and they all sat down for dinner.

"So how has school been? Are you all ready for your final exams?" Tabitha Helstea asked the teens.

"Umm Schools been good, and exams should be easy," Lilia replied to her mother, a hint of nervousness could heard in her voice.

"And what about you son, are you ready to give your class an exam," Rey asked with some pride that his son was so skilled that he was asked to teach a class.

"Yeah, I just decided to have them all spar to show what they've learned," Arthur replied, sounding a lot less nervous than Lilia. Meanwhile Sylvie stealth-fully tried to sneak the meat off of Arthur's plate. However without even looking Arthur slammed his fork into the meat, stopping Sylvie's thievery in its its tracks. Arthur then cut the meat in half with a single swipe, allowing Sylvie to have half.

Tess meanwhile sat quietly eating her food, unsure as to why Arthur and Lilia were both nervous about bringing up the summer plan to their parents. She wasn't nervous at all when she had asked for permission, but she only had to speak with her grandfather since her parents were usually busy with the council. She figured that must have been the issue, as she found speaking about such things with her grandfather much easier.

"I bet you kids are excited and ready for your summer break," Vincent commented casually.

"Actually about summer break," Lilia started.

"What is it Lilia?" Tabitha asked.

"Umm, I think it would be best if Arthur explained," Lilia replied.

"And this is why we should have discussed this on the ride here," Arthur thought to himself, a little annoyed that Lilia didn't at least start the conversation.

Arthur then took a sip of water and dabbed his face with his napkin. "Well, the student council and the disciplinary committee came up with the idea of spending the summer together and becoming adventurers," Arthur stated. As the words left him mouth he looked at the parents to see a concerned expression on both of Lilia's parents as well as his mothers.

"Mom, dad, I really want to go. I think it would be a really great experience for me, especially since I am a battle mage," Lilia pleaded.

"Arthur, you're just getting off for the summer after being away most of the year. And before that you spent three years away as an adventurer. I was really looking forward to having you around for a while," Alice said sadly. Rey remained silent, even though he did want some more time with his son, he understood the desire to be out in the beast glades, the call of an adventurer.

"NO!" Ellie cried and ran around the table to Arthur and hugged him. "I don't want you to be gone again." This scene tugged at everybody's heart strings, and part of Alice hoped that it would tug on Arthur's enough to make him want to stay.

"Don't worry Ellie, its only for the summer, and it's not even for the whole summer," Arthur replied in a sympathetic tone.

"Really?" Ellie asked as she wiped some tears from her eyes.

"Really," Tess said as she leaned forward to see Ellie. "We'll only be gone for two months, leaving one month to spend at home with our families. One week at the beginning of summer break, and three weeks at the end."

Ellie's eyes shifted from Tess back to Arthur. "Do you promise we'll be able to spend lots of time together?" Ellie asked her brother.

Arthur smiled. "I promise." Arthur did want to promise to bring Ellie back a present, but not knowing what he could find out there, he didn't want to risk disappointing her. But that didn't mean he couldn't surprise her with something when he returned if he did come across something.

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