Chapter 2

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Arthur walked out of the dorm building and began walking to breakfast. As he walked he heard a loud slap, followed by what sounded like a voice on the verge of yelling, but was too far to make out what was being said.

"That sounds like mama! Let's go check on her," Sylvie cried out excitedly.

"Good thing she can't hear you call her that," Art replied as he shook his head and started walking in the direction they heard Tess.

"Don't worry, I'll call her that one day so she can hear me. Besides, you two are meant for each other," Sylvie teased as she laid flat on his head.

As they reached the corner of the building they peaked around the corner just in time to see a sharpened vine from Tess pointed right at Clive. Even though Arthur was curious as to what he did to get a taste of the elf princesses furry, he did take a bit of satisfaction seeing someone else finally doing something to shut him up.

Clive had been a thorn in Arthur's side since day one, although on day one Clive did have a bit of a reason. Despite that, ever since Clive seemed to be hell bent on getting in Arthur's business and trying to get him expelled every chance he could. Most times Arthur would just flex his mana a little bit to apply some pressure to get rid of him. Tess always had Arthur's back, so whenever Clive tried to get Tess to go to Director Goodsky to deal with Arthur she would just shoot Clive down and tell him to leave Arthur alone. And when Clive went behind Tess' back to speak with the Director directly, the Director would always respond telling him that if Tess didn't feel the need to bother her that he shouldn't either, or would scold him for going over Tess' head.

A second or two after the vine disintegrated and Tess was quickly walking away, Clive started to follow after Tess. As Tess was always there for Arthur, he was there for her. Arthur directed his killing intent right towards Clive, causing him to stop in his tracks and fall to a knee. The killing intent only lasted for a second, but it was enough to cause Clive to look around frantically before leaving in the opposite direction. Arthur knew Tess could easily handle Clive if she had to, but he saw no reason why she should if he could handle him first. Sylvie sat upon Arthur's head proud of her papa, as he started following after Tess.

It didn't take Arthur long to catch up to Tess as he saw her leaning up against a tree taking deep breaths as she worked to calm herself down.

"Are you ok?" Arthur asked as he approached.

Tess jumped a little, being surprised by Arthur's sudden appearance. "I'm fine, just had to handle a student council president issue," Tess replied with a warm smile.

Arthur briefly became lost in that smile and just stood there for a moment. Ever since Tess kissed Arthur and professed her feelings for him there had been an internal struggle going on within him. His mind kept reminding him that despite his body being that of a twelve, almost thirteen year old, due to his reincarnation his mind was that of a forty year old man and there was something wrong with him wanting a relationship with the teen elf. At the same time his heart kept telling him she was well more than a friend and to hold and kiss her. Both his mind and heart agreed on one thing, that he did at least like her, but due to the fact that even in his past life he never felt love he wasn't sure if he was in love or not.

"Well then, if you're not busy, would you like to join me for breakfast?"Arthur asked.

"No thanks, I don't really like the cafeteria breakfast," Tess replied as she shook her head with a frown.

"Yeah neither do I. That's why I was going to that cafe on the other side of the campus," Arthur replied.

Tess' head perked up as a hopeful smile quickly formed on her face. "The one with all the tasty pastries?"

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