Chapter 16

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At an outpost deep within the beast glades there stood a tavern, which like in many taverns in the beast glades was a common place to find adventures trading information, resting up before continuing a quest or before diving into a dungeon, or celebrating after completing a dungeon or quest. Today was the same as any other day in the tavern, there was a band in the corner playing fun upbeat music, adventurers drank ale, ate food, traded information, and showed off the gold they had earned from selling items within the outpost.

Everyone was laughing and having a good time, when the doors swung open and Arthur and his friends walked in. They caught a few eyes, but for the most part nobody paid them much attention. Curtis was walking right beside Arthur, and shortly after entering he stopped as he waited to be seated. Arthur just ignored him and walked straight for an empty table large enough to seat everyone, seeing this Curtis started walking again.

"So there's no host or hostess?" Curtis asked, sounding a little embarrassed as he remembered the few fancy restaurants he had eaten in in the past while he and the others sat down

"Nope, we just seat ourselves. The only downside to that is if we were all to get up, anyone could come and take our table," Elijah answered.

"Have you ever had that problem?" Lilia asked.

"Only once, but after having a few words with him he left," Arthur replied with a smirk. The only time that ever happened was while he was Note, and all he had to do was just release some of his killing intent and the person took off running.

The group picked up some menus that were laying on the table as they waited for a waitress to come over. After a few minutes a young woman with long blonde hair and ocean blue eyes, wearing a skirt that stopped mid thigh and a low cut top that showed off her large bust, came to their table.

"Hello everyone, can I interest any of you in an ale?" She asked in a flirtatious tone, as she came up between Tess and Lilia and rested her elbows on the table, causing a very good view of her cleavage, which she was aiming right towards Curtis.

"Uhhhh, no thanks, we're all underage," Curtis replied, as he was seventeen and the closest to being able to drink alcohol legally. After getting an eye full of her cleavage he forced his eyes down to the menu so as to not be caught staring.

"Ok," she replied with a chuckle.

Everyone then gave food and non alcoholic drink orders and the girl was about to walk off when Arthur quickly spoke up. "Also we're going to need some rooms for the night, are you able to help with that?"

"The girl at the bar can help you with that," the waitress replied as she pointed to a brunette working at the bar, then walked off.

"I'll get us our rooms," Tess stated and got up and walked over to the bar.

As Tess waited to secure their rooms an older man walked up to her and began talking with her. Arthur didn't pay him too much attention, however still kept an eye on him. As talk at the table continued Arthur noticed the expression on Tess' face had changed to one of annoyance, and then angry as the man kept talking to her as she tried to reserve the rooms. Arthur's complete attention was on this man now, and when he finally saw the man's face plastered with a lewd expression, he had finally had enough. Unlike Arthur's previous world, this world did not have laws against adults having relationships with people under eighteen. It was frowned upon, but there was legally nothing wrong with it. However to Arthur there was plenty wrong with it, so to him this man deserved to be treated as a pediphile and punished. 

"Here are your drinks and silverware," the waitress said as she placed everything on the table.

"Excuse me, but I need a new fork," Arthur stated as he picked up his fork and pulled it back.

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