Chapter 27

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The Ant Hill, a name bestowed upon the first dungeon to be discovered in nearly twenty years. The dungeon had one main entrance, but the tunnel forked before the first level, and forked several more times throughout the dungeon, with each tunnel being a different difficulty. However many adventures referred to this dungeon by another name, a gold mine. This was due to still undiscovered treasures still residing within these tunnels, even the C ranked tunnels held within them riches for the adventurers that couldn't go into the higher ranked tunnels. The effects of this new dungeon was that the surrounding area developed into a flourishing outpost practically overnight. Those who weren't adventurers were also prospering due to the large number of shops, taverns, inns, and even restaurants that opened up here and catered to the adventurers.

Due to all this, the Adventurers Guild took a new stance with this dungeon that had never been seen before to prevent accidents. The guild highly controlled and regulated the entrance, with guards not only at the entrance but at the first section where the tunnels forked, setting mandatory minimum party sizes that needed to be approved by the guild, and limiting how many parties could be inside the dungeon at any given time as well as limiting how long they could even be in the dungeon. And just in case there was an accident, or a party took longer than they were allowed, a team of highly trained top ranked adventurers was hired by the guild and kept on standby twenty four seven, to dive in and recover the parties.

Arthur and his party were on the recently worn down trail leading to the dungeon, the covers removed from both wagons so that everyone could see and the summer breeze could blow through.  As they got closer to the dungeon they began seeing more and more people, most riding horses or mana beasts, a few in wagons, and even fewer just walking.

As they reached the top of a hill they could see it, the dungeon, with what looked like a quickly built village market beside it, and a tent city around it. Curtis decided to ride Grawder in to add effect and make them look like a more serious party, riding beside the back wagon as he continued to flirt with Lilia.

A group of five adventurers all riding mana beasts was coming up on the opposing side, leaving the area. The lead adventurer was riding what looked like a large white leopard with tusks coming out of the sides of his mouth. As they got closer he took notice of Curtis, and had his beast make a powerful roar.

"Alright Grawder, let's see who's louder," Curtis said to his bond.

Grawder let out an even greater roar, causing the nearby birds to fly from their trees. The lead adventurer nodded with an approving smile, then hit his chest with his fist and extended it out towards Curtis. Curtis copied the gesture and their fists bumped in a sign of mutual respect. The other riders following gave respectful nods, while the rider in the back, a young woman with black hair and wearing a less than modest outfit that showed her stomach and cleavage smiled and blew him a kiss. Curtis smiled as he blushed a little, his eyes following the best they could without moving his head. Once she passed Curtis looked back to Lilia to see an annoyed look on her face before she turned away from him, and Kathyln glaring at him with a judgmental look.

"Would you look at all this," Elijah commented from behind Arthur. "I've heard this outpost has practically become self sufficient. The only things they bring in is food, that isn't meat, and metals. And those they could...shit, I'm not here," Elijah said suddenly as he dropped to the bottom of the wagon.

Arthur and Tess looked ahead to see another wagon coming opposite of them. They looked to be mostly dwarves, so it didn't make sense why Elijah was ducking down, until Arthur was slapped with a sense of realization when he saw the driver. She was a young dwarf about their age, with blonde hair and a short matching beard, and arms at least as big around as Arthur's head.

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