Chapter 5

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Author's Notes:

Hello everyone, I'm sorry this update is so late, I was having issues with Wattpad not allowing me to save or post. I dealt with this for a little over a week while working on my other stories until I tried the tried and true method of deleting the app from my phone and then reinstalling it, and see what happened. One last thing, updates will resume with the normal schedule on Wednesday, I just see this as making up for missing the normally scheduled update.

Arthur sat at the large table on the first floor of the dorm building, bored out of his mind as Claire and Tess proceeded with their daily morning meeting. He was reminded of the mind numbing briefings he had to sit through in his previous life, where topics that didn't pertain to him nor did he really have a say in were gone over in excruciating detail. At least in this life the topics did pertain to him in some way, wether it be a change in procedure, a task he needed to do, or just a simple update on current affairs, it was for the most part important even though he didn't usually have a say in anything.

Claire was going over a change in the patrols routes, making Arthur want to close his eyes and take a nap. He wished he could go back to last weekend, it was a lot more fun. The day after getting his parents approval to spend most of his summer break with his friends in the beast glades, Tess wanted to begin preparing. This meant taking a day trip to Elenoir to get a few things Tess said she couldn't get anywhere else. Since Tess' mana core was still being restricted because of her beast will, Arthur of course came along. Although it was questionable if he was even needed. Tess had made great improvements on controlling her beast will and the restrictions on her mana core had been lightened a bit allowing her a good deal of her strength back, putting her at the equivalent of a light orange stage mana core. Regardless, Arthur and Tess went through a teleportation gate to the capital of Elenoir, and then straight to the shopping district.

As they walked down the stone road that ran between the shops, Arthur began to have a flashback to the times he and Tess walked down that very road to various shops while he was Elder Virion's student. They had walked passed many shops that Tess had taken him to before, and came to a clothing shop. The store had many items from elven formal wear to casual, but what caught Arthur's attention was clothing that looked more functional for adventurers. The clothing was on several wooden mannequins posing with swords, conjurer staffs, or bow and arrows. It was now clear to Arthur as to why Tess wanted to come there, to purchase herself a new outfit to wear as an adventurer. Tess stepped up onto a platform as a middle aged elf woman began taking measurements and a young boy, probably an apprentice, wrote them down.

Tess said something to the woman, who then sent someone to Arthur to try and help him. Arthur didn't really want to buy anything, but he did want his black cloak altered. He had grown quite a bit since Vincent Helstea had given it to him, leaving it short on his arms and coming up to his waist instead of a mid thigh. The woman didn't seem to mind, and began taking measurements, although Arthur wasn't sure why she needed to take enough measurements to make him a whole suit. Once done she took Arthur's cloak, telling him it would be ready by the time Tess' outfit would be.


Claire clapped her hands together, waking Arthur from his thoughts. "Now that the school related business is out of the way, let's get to the good stuff. Has everyone spoken to your families about our plan?" Everyone nodded. "And is everyone coming?" Claire asked excitedly.

"Clive isn't," Tess answered coldly.

"What?!" Claire replied, staring at Tess with confusion.

"Actually my family..." Clive started before Tess cut him off.

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