Chapter 6

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"Arthur Leywin I challenge you to a duel!" Clive demanded as Arthur walked outside the dorm building.

"Famous last words if I've ever heard them," Elijah commented under his breath, earning a chuckle from the rest of the group.

"What's so funny?" Clive asked angrily.

"Nothing," Arthur said dismissively as he shook his head. "I decline your challenge." Arthur then tried to walk away, but was stopped by an arrow imbedding into the stone sidewalk in front of his feet.

"Tell me are you trying to get yourself expelled?" Kathyln asked him.

"I will not be denied my challenge!" Clive replied with an almost insane look on his face.

"Clive, Arthur has already proven to be on a completely different level than any of us. Even I, Arthur's rival Feyrith Ivsaar III, am not strong enough to defeat him."

"Power wise, no, none of us can beat him. That's why this duel won't allow for the use of mana, just our own muscle and fighting skills," Clive said confidently thinking that he finally found a way to defeat Arthur.

Everyone looked at one another with questioning looks. 'Could Clive beat Arthur like this?' They all asked themselves. Clive did have the advantage being older and stronger, but Arthur had also shown great skill with his sword.

"That's pretty confident of you considering you don't even know who his teacher was," Tess said confidently as she walked out of the building.

"Exactly. What kind of student doesn't give credit to their teacher for their skills. He was no doubt some old fart who could only swing a sword with mediocre skills, if he was even a battle mage at all," Clive taunted.

Tess was fuming. The level of disrespect Clive was showing towards Arthur and her Grandfather was unacceptable, and she was ready to take the challenge for Arthur. However just as Tess was about to speak Arthur placed a hand on her shoulder, getting her attention. Even though Arthur looked calm and collected, at this distance she could feel his anger raging inside of him just begging to be released.

"Ok then, I accept your challenge. My master is a powerful augmenter and I was fortunate to have been his disciple, but only if you manage to beat me will I tell you his name," Arthur replied.

Clive nodded, not really caring who Arthur's master was. He had only used that to try and rile Arthur up to get him to accept his challenge. Arthur and Clive moved further into the grass, away from the building and their fellow students. Other students and professors walking by took notice and began to walk over, still not knowing who they were yet, only that a duel was about to happen. Even though this was Arthur's first duel, he knew that because he was only a first year, he had to initiate the duel.

Arthur pulled out his pocket watch and held it as he spoke the words to activate it. "I declare a duel between I, Arthur Leywin and Clive Graves." Arthur's pocket watch glowed as did the pin on Clive's chest.

"I accept the duel," Clive replied. The pin and pocket watch dinged, and a barrier formed around both of them.

Clive quickly took the offensive and began rapidly firing arrows at Arthur. Even without Clive using mana the arrows were flying out incredibly fast, however with Arthur's time diving into dungeons without using mana, combined with his incredible instincts, it made it easy for him to dodge with little effort. Arthur dodged arrow after arrow without even moving his feet, infuriating Clive to no end. Clive then drew back three arrows at once and released, then repeated. Arthur couldn't help but be impressed with Clive's archery skills, as all six arrows were flying right in his direction. Even though only two were a threat of hitting him, the other four made it that he couldn't dodge without getting hit by another arrow.

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