Chapter 10

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Arthur and his friends left the examination field and made their way inside for their adventurer cards. As they entered the waiting area all eyes were on them. Not everyone saw one of them battle, and the first ones not in their group saw three of them rank in the B class, leaving five of them that could have tested for AA class. Considering how young they all were no one could imagine that whoever it was could have successfully passed the examination, especially Arthur. Although some had seen Elijah before and even teamed up with him, and knew of his A class status, so assumed it must have been him. Several of the adventurers recognized Curtis and Kathyln, and figured they were all a bunch of noble brats that were probably just given their ranks because of their name. After waiting a little while for all of their names to be called, they finally all had their adventures cards, and were ready to begin their adventures.

"Ok Arthur, you're in charge. Where to?" Claire asked as they left the guild hall.

"Well as much as I would like to grab some lunch, we have a long trip ahead of us to get to our first dungeon. So we should get to the beast glades and head out," Arthur replied and began walking as his stomach grumbled.

"So which dungeon are we headed to first?" Lilia asked.

"Oh that's right, I forgot to fill you all in," Arthur commented as he pulled several maps out of his dimensional ring. "Elijah and I made several plans as to where we could go depending on how everyone ranked. Thankfully everyone placed at the best I could have hoped for." Everyone felt some pride in themselves at that comment. "We decided we should start with a relatively easy dungeon since this will be the first time we all will be fighting as a team in a real battle. So I decided on the Jungle Crypt."

"Jungle Crypt?" Feyrith questioned.

"It's not like I named these dungeons. Anyways, it's a B ranked dungeon. It's mostly C ranked mana beasts with a few B ranked on each level. Now if we do well and feel up for it, the final level has an A ranked beast as well as a few B ranked. But that's just the last level, I don't want us to walk in there if we don't all feel confident that we can handle it," Arthur explained.

"Come on Arthur, do you not have faith in us?" Feyrith asked.

"Of course I do, but you are all inexperienced and anything can happen in a dungeon that can even catch veteran adventures off guard. I just want to make sure we all come out of this in one piece," Arthur replied.

"Well I hope you have a more challenging dungeon planned for us after," Tess commented.

"I do. It's called Frozen Hell and it's A ranked. And our last one is still unnamed," Arthur replied.

"How can a dungeon be unnamed?" Kathyln asked.

"This is a newly discovered dungeon at the base of one of the largest of the Grand Mountains. It was only discovered a few months ago and hasn't even been completely mapped yet, but apparently this new dungeon is actually multiple dungeons in one," Arthur said with excitement.

"How can a dungeon be multiple dungeons in one?" Lilia asked.

"Before the first level the path forks several times. Each path leading to different ranked dungeons going from D ranked all the way to S ranked. Apparently no one has ever seen anything like this before," Arthur explained, his voice filled with a childlike excitement.

Shortly after Arthur explaining their route they arrived at the teleportation gate, and showed their adventurer cards to get through. There was some trouble with Arthur's card though, as the guards believed that he had stolen it since they couldn't imagine how a thirteen year old could be an AA class adventurer. Thankfully, despite the fact that Curtis and Kathyln weren't royalty any more, their voices still carried sufficient weight to get the guards to leave Arthur alone. Arthur was of course grateful for their help, because his plan of releasing his killing intent to get through did hold the risk of potential problems later.

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