"I'll always love you"

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A scattered applause was heard as you and Bucky walked through the crowd, blush crept over your face as you pushed your forehead into his right arm, trying to hide. You both walked over to Steve so you could apologize and as he looked from you to Bucky, confusion was all he was feeling.

"Hi Steve, I just wanted to apologize for um threatening you, I overreacted, for sure." You smiled.

"Hey don't worry about it. You wanna explain anything though?" He said with a smirk, looking to you hanging onto Bucky's arm, "It was quite a show but we couldn't hear much." He chuckled.

You met Bucky's eyes with a sly grin, you both shook your heads as you looked back to Steve, "Nah, it wasn't that interesting."

You and Bucky were sitting on the sofas, he had his arm around you as he told you about the day he had trying to avoid you.

Tony walked over, a shit-eating grin on his face, and sat on the coffee table in front of you both, "Pepper told me what happened and I'm glad you made up, I was worried how many more things you were gonna destroy," He laughed.

Bucky furrowed his brows at you both, "Oh yeah, you didn't think I came up with that speech on my own did you?" You asked him sitting up to face him, "I asked Pep for some help,"

He let out a slight chuckle and you sat back in his arms, once Tony had left you told Bucky about your talk with Pepper.

You held his metal arm in your hands, looking at how the plates fit together so seem-lessly, it had always been something that interested you, the way the arm moved was beautiful, much like the man it belonged to. You both knew you should be out in the midst of the party, mingling - you were one of the successes being celebrated after all - but all you wanted to do was sit with Bucky and talk all night, you felt as though you could do that for the rest of your life.

At one point he asked about the heart on your inner forearm and although it was something else you liked to keep to yourself it felt like the perfect thing to tell him about.

"I did it to myself while drunk," You laughed, your fingers tracing over the bumps on your skin, "I was with (besties name) and I had just told her about the whole fire thing, and we were laying in bed, off our faces, and she just turns to me and goes 'You know that if you ever set me on fire I'd still love you." You re-enacted it by looking at Bucky, smiling as you remembered that night, it was a little blurry but the right moments stuck with you, "So I decided to do this, I don't even remember it hurting really, its just a reminder that no matter what happens, she'll always love me."

As you beamed up at him he didn't think twice before reaching out and gently taking your arm in his hand, he brought it to his face and left a light kiss over the heart shaped splotch.

"Now it can be a reminder that I'll always love you too." As he let go you trailed your hands down his cheek pulling him closer into a sweet kiss.

As it grew later people started clearing out and Natasha walked over to you and with a smile, "You know you guys are awful at parties,"

You stuck your tongue out at the red head before she sat down on a one of the chairs opposite you both.

Slowly all of the Avengers convened and Clint started insulting Thor's hammer, saying it was a trick. One by one each of them tried and pathetically failed to lift it, you, Bucky and Natasha decided not to try, although everyone else seemed eager, you both felt it was best left to the imagination.

"It simple, you're all just not worthy." Thor boasted picking up the hammer with ease.

As the moon shone high over the compound, you and Bucky were left to be the last ones to go, bar Helen who fell asleep on the couch. After a while more of lounging in each others arms, he eventually stood up and offered his hand to help you up too, you walked up the stairs hand in hand.

When you got to your room he placed your phone on the nightstand and you went to take off the makeup that was mostly just smudges of highlight by this point. He stepped up behind you and started to slowly place kisses over your shoulder up to your neck, you smiled at him through the mirror as he wrapped him arms around you

"I thought you guys couldn't get tipsy," You teased, using a makeup wipe as he buried his face into your neck.

"Thor snuck me some of his ale while you weren't looking," You both chuckled. You were soon changed and falling asleep quickly in each others arms.


Not so sure what this chapter was but hope ur enjoying :)) don't forget to vote if you are btw <3

In Love On Fire * Buckyxreader *Where stories live. Discover now