Chapter 11

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"I-I understand that Sir, but she's already killed all the demons we sent" A demon wearing the skin of one of the previously dead guards, stood in front of Lucifer, who still wore Dr. Chase's skin. Lucifer looked at him with an irritated yet terrifying look only he could perfect, that made any demon unable to look him in the eye

"You sent 3 Kris." He blankly stated and the demon, Kris, looked like he was going to pee himself

"Yes, but the demon count is already so low..." Lucifer looked away from the wall he had been staring at and glared down at the demon

"I don't care if there are only 5 demons slumming in Hell, I want the demigod here. If she gets here on her own fine, just means you useless rodents won't be getting anything in return." Kris nodded in understanding and ran out of the room

Lucifer then took out the good doctor's phone and began scrolling through his messages, simply to look through the creep's personal info

"Geez, this guy really takes the introverted evil doctor thing to a whole other level..." A different demon burst into the room and Lucifer rolled his eyes, turning to him "What?"

"Avis has the weapon. Your inside man did their job." The demon confirmed and an accomplished smirk appeared on the Devil's face

"How does it feel to know I almost have your new toy brother?" Lucifer looked up as if he were speaking to Gabriel. Avis may have just been a pawn in their sibling rivalry, but Lucifer had no idea what he was getting into, and who with.


"Alright, we should hit the road before more demons show. Now that I have my stuff, we can track down Lucifer and send his ass to the Empty." They both looked at her with a confused expression "That's where uh angels and demons go when they die. I assumed Cas would have told you about it" They shook their heads and headed towards her door

"Ace what the hell was that?" A screeching voice spoke, and Avis groaned

"Fuck I forgot about her" Sam and Dean looked at her quizzically and Avis walked back towards Reid who was hyperventilating on her bed "Look Reid, I get that you wanted to catch up or whatever but I'm sort of busy and don't have any money to give you so how about you go to John and bother him. Alright? Fantastic" She smirked and waved her hand, making a whirlpool of water surround Reid. When the water was gone, so was Reid.

"What uh-" Sam started, and Avis sighed walking back towards the door

"She's fine I sent her to her dad's" They nodded, and all piled back into the Jeep as Avis headed for a nearby hotel

"Right, but uh how exactly did you do that?" Sam asked, invested in what other abilities she had

"Teleportation, it's one of my powers" Once she got back on the road she calmed down enough to care to explain something "Usually a demigod would only have a fraction of their Godly parent's power, but when I was a kid I was injected with a drug that enhanced my abilities so I can do a lot more than a normal half-blood would" Dean and Sam nodded trying to piece her story together

"Snazzy, where are we headed, Ace?" Dean gave a dorky smirk that almost made Avis forget about the crazy situation they were in

"Nearest motel to get some sleep before we go fight the devil, y'know the usual" She smirked and looked back at the road, hoping wherever she found Lucifer, she found one of her friends.


At the motel, the group had gotten two rooms, one for just Avis and another for Sam and Dean. They offered to have one of them sleep on the couch so they could all share a room, but Avis didn't want either brother knowing about her nightmares. Not to mention the side effects that sometimes followed.

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