part 3

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Skip to the next morning
*back to ella's POV*
I wake up and saw jaden already awake on his phone playing witz my hair i just smiled
Then i got a call i looked at it and saw incoming call from "bruce💖"
I picked up
Bryce: "morning sis"
You:" morning bro "
Bryce:" i have to Tell u something... so me and tayler are going on a buisniss Trip for a few months"
I started crying and jaden notice and hugged me
Bryce:" ella pls don't cry you can stay At avani's or nessa's or even jaden's"
I nodded
You: "when are you leaving"
Bryce: "in a few hours"
You: "i will miss you too but pls text me ok ly"
Btyce: "i will lyt"
Then he Hung up
Jaden hugged me
Jaden:" what's wrong butterfly"
I told jaden but then i got a Flashback

You: "hey mom what are you doing?"
Mom: " nothing just watching this Show wby butterfly?"
I griggeld
You:" i love that Nicknamen"

End of Flashback

You: "my mom used to call me butterfly"
Jaden:" its going to be ok" he hugged me again
Jaden:" so princess we can go to Target today and then we r going to a place that is really beautiful"
You nodded and got up
You:" jae i have nothing to wear"
Jaden got up
Jaden:" i will give u something"
We both went to his room and he gave me some sweatpants and a Hoodie
You: " thank you jae"
Jaden:" np princess"

You went to Target and get some food
Then he drove to that place

It was a little Park thing but nobody were there
Im going herr when im Feeling bad or just have to Think
You:" i Think its really beautiful"
We went to a bench we sat there and we were talking when i got a call
It was...

A/n: Cliffhanger im going to sleep a bit im so tired i hope y'all are fine ly all

my bully - Jaden Hossler Where stories live. Discover now