part 11

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Skip a few days

Im just chilling in my room not really eating
Tbh im not hungry At all
Usually i love food

Im eating all the time

But not when im in my bad State

Jaden avani and nessa has texted me but i didn't really answered

I wasnt at school

I was just lying in my bed thinking about my mom tbh i really miss her

The only people im talking to sometimes are bryce and tayler

But they understand that im in a bad State

Today was the day i was trying to go to school again

Tbh i was scared

Tay:" hey ella it's going to be ok u can calm me and me or bryce will be there any sec"

I just nodded

I went into school and got a few message i opened my phone and saw that avani nessa and jaden has texted me


Girl im happy your back at school jaden me and nessa were really Down

Yes we love u remember u r amazing

Thank you guys love u too

Before i could opened jaden's text i heard voices

S1:" omgg the little sad girl hahahha"

S2:" she just want attention

S3:" little s*ut"

I felt a tear rolled Down my check to i went to the bathroom

I went there and started breathing heavy

I couldn't breath anymore

It just felt like i was going to die

You:" h'h-help" i whispered then i blacked out

*Avani's POV *

I saw ella and i was happy to See her but she just went to the bathroom

I thought maybe she just needed to go to the Toilette

Its been 20 Minutes and she still hasen't came out

I went to the bathroom and saw ella lying on the floor  blacked out

You(avani):" nessa call 911 pls"

She didn't ask and just called

The ambulance came and took ella to the hospital

Then jaden came up to us

Jaden:" what's wrong"

You:" ella blacked out she is going to the hospital i will call tay"

The call: (ella's phone)

Tay:" hey ella should i come over and take u home"

You:" Tayler its avani ella blacked out she is going to the hospital we will meet there ok?"

He nodded and ended the call

A/n: i want to say thank u all for reading my Story ly all

my bully - Jaden Hossler Where stories live. Discover now