part 13

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*avani's pov*

Its been a few hours and ella is in sugery

Her heart is really bad

Tze doctors said that she must had that pain for the last month but she didn't told us

We all sit in the waiting room waiting for anything to happend

We all are scared af

Me nessa bryce tayler and jaden has cried for the last 4 hours

*jadens pov*

Im scared it already been 4h scince she went to sugery i can tell we all are scared

But i
I need to know her More she is in so much pain

And she dont deserve any of this pain

*bryce's pov*

Its been 4h scince my little sis went to sugery and im scared i can't loose her
She is the best thing in my life

And she had to go through so much i mean mom died than our das hitted her harder and harder

She got Depression when mom died

Then she got bullied in school

Our dad left and now her heart

*back to your pov*

I woke up in a hospital
I hate hospital bc i saw my mom died here

And now in here

Tbh im scared

*jaden's POV *

A nurce came in the waiting room

Nu:" so are you tue family of ella holder"

We all nodded

Nu:" ok one Person can ho to her room for now u can figured out who then go in room 234"

Everyone looked at me

Tay:" jaden i Think you should go to her"

I just nodded and went to her room

*back to your POV *
I saw someone walked in and it was jaden

You:" hey" i said with a light smile i was in really much pain tbh

Jaden:" hey princess how are you doing?"

You:" not really good"

Jaden:" it's going to be ok. You are a fighter and u r strong"

You:" jay im scared"

Jaden:" it's gonna be ok" he said holding my hand than a doc came in

Doc:" ella we have some News do u want this boy to stay or should he leave"

You:" can he stay pls"
I said while holding jadens Hand

The doc nodded

Doc:" so your heart is really bad you have to stay here for a while then u can leave u have a few More sugerys and when u leave we have Tablets u can take when the pain is bad but it could happend that you die when u go back home"

I just nodded tbh i don't want to die

Then the doc left

Jaden:" its gonna be ok Darling"

A/n: idk but maybe um not Posting for  a while  because of my mental health and physical health ly all

my bully - Jaden Hossler Where stories live. Discover now