part 16

570 6 1

Time skip heheh

(Sorry for them)

*back to your POV*

Its been two years scince i got in the hospital again

The doc told me i got my heart Problem harder again

I wasnt really aktive on social Media
But still Posting song covors

I haven't seen any of the sway boys scince then

Today a new song is coming out

Caption- i never came back

Fan.celia: the caption ....

Fan.ella: are u ok you didn't really Post
^ i had a heart Problem but now il better

Avani: i hope your better
^ yeah ty

Brycehall: this song is Dope

Avani: can we met sometimes
^ i will text u per insta dm

The insta dm

You: hey so you want to met?

Avani: yeah pls

You: are u in LA bc i cant really go there bc i have some things that were going on like 3 years ago and i dont really want to fresh the old memory out yn

Avani: yeah im in LA rn actually visit some family

You: ok but is IT ok if just we too met i dont really like Big crouds like u can come to my house

Avani: ok tonight?

You: yeah sure but my friends live with me so we can all just Talk

Avani: sure

You: ehm my Adress is ########

Avani: ob i will be there in an hour

You: cya

Shit what did i do

You:" jules riley madi in my room i did something"

Everyone came in your room

Jules:" what did u do?"

You:" maybe i invited avani"

Riley:" what?"

You:" im going to tell her today"

Madi:" fr?"

You:" yeav i really miss her like i love u but i know her scince second grade maybe one day i will tell them all but today just avani"

Jules:" ok "

Then everyone left and u just got ready
(Btw u have a abusing bf vinnie)

Jules:" ey we are going to go shopping food real quick"

You:" ok love u all"

After they left someone came in your room 

(Little smut)

It was vinnie

Vinnie:" hey babe u want to do some funny things?"

You:" i i i dont really"

Vinnie:" weil but i so we are doing what i want"

Then he came near u

Vinnie:" you are going to call me daddy u little s*ut"

my bully - Jaden Hossler Where stories live. Discover now