part 4

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My phone started ringing i looked at it and saw it was
My ex nick he abused me and hited me when we were daiting
I was scared
He calls me very often and il scared all the time
I Think jaden notice that il scared
Jaden" whats wrong butterfly"
You:" jaden im scared that's my ex and he abused me and hitted me" i said crying
Then jaden took my phone and  picked it up
Jaden put it in speaker
Nick:"hey beautiful s*ut "
Jaden:" if u call my girlfriend one time  again im going to kill u. U get it?"
Nick got scared and ended the call
You:" thank you  jae" i said with tears streaming Down my face
Jaden: " hey everything is going to be ok princess"
You just hug jaden
Jaden:" its already dark should we get home?"
You nodded
You:" jaden can we get to my house real quick and i can get some clothes?"
Jaden:" ofc princess"
I smiled and we went to my house and get some cloths than i went to my bathroom and was going to get make up
Then jaden came in
Jaden:" you don't need make up Princess"
You:" jae stop beeing so cute i need make up" than jaden grabbed my make up bag and put it in a hight shelf in my bathroom
You:" jaden stop i need make up just look at my im ugly without make up"
Jaden:" ella stop u r gorgous without make up u dont need it"
You:" jaden u said by yourself that im ugly and useless and-" at this point i was fully crying
You:" my das called me useless u called me useless and many other names and nick did too"
Then jaden hugged me
*jaden's pov*
Ella said that she is ugly and useless and that so many people called her bad names and stuff and i was one of them
I just hugged her i was crying too
You(jaden):" im sorry ella u r beautiful just like u are"
*back to ella's POV*
You:" its fine"
I hugged jaden then we pulled away and looked eyes and jaden and i kissed then we started making ou for like 15 Minutes
Then jaden pulled away
Jaden:" you are so beautiful princess, let's go back to my house ok"
I just smiled and nodded
Then jaden took my hand and we went back to his car

Then we went back to his house and i got a Massage it was avani and nessa

Bitches 💖

Avani= voni💖
Nessa= ness💖

So i met a new guy and we r talking
And he asked if we all wanna hang tomorow
For sure

Can i bring jaden?

Ness💖: cya tomorow
Seen from voni and u

End of messeges

You:" jae do u want to come to the beach with me avani nessa and avani's new bf"
Jaden:" ofc princess"
Then we went to his room
You: jaden can i have ur Hoodie and some sweatpants please he nodded and gave me some clothes
Then we went into his bed and i put my head on his chest in Fell asleep

my bully - Jaden Hossler Where stories live. Discover now