part 15

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Avani's POV

Its been a year scince ella past i miss her but we all got over it

We all are Fans if this girl called celia braud she sings and her first song came out one hour Ago and then she posted a picture on insta

She is beautiful

Scince last year it was only me and nessa and the boys hanging out

We never got a new bestie

Celia knows jules leblanc and riley lewis

I love this trio tbh

Scince las year jaden was mostly in his room a few weeks ago he started to live again

But never got a new girl

He Worte his first song " pray" (imagine this is his first song)

We are in NYC rn we arrived yesterday and now we are on our way  to get some food

*back to your pov*

We walked out of our apartment after madi arrived then Paparazzi came to us

Paparazzi= P
P:" celia i love your NEW song we saw the sway boys notice u what do u Think about them"

You:" ty  yeah i don't really know them but yeah"

P:" so scince when are you singing"

You:" my mom and dad died when i was younger and scince then im singing but no one knews not even my old friends"

P:" are you still friends with your old friends and what do they called? Are they famous too?"

And now i didn't know what to say

Madison riley and jules were the only people that knew

You:" no they moved away and i never saw them again but they aren't famous"

Then i heard a voice behind me shit More fans

Avani:" omg celia im your biggest fan can i get a picture?"

You:" ofc  come here"
I didn't knew that was avani then all of them came

P:" ohh sway meets celia"

Shit that are them i started having a panic attack

Jules notice

Jules:" hey come with me we are bringing u Down" she whispered in my ear

Jules:" we have to go in now so no pictures later maybe" she screams then u jules madison and riley went in

Riley:" can we get a chair pls" riley said to a waiter

She got you a chair and u sit Down

You:" i- i- i- ca- can't breath"

Jules:" calm Down"

Then avani came in and everyone of sway just looked at u

U started holding ur hand to your chest

Madison:" shit is it your heart again?"
You just nodded

Riley:" madi call 911"

She called and u just sit at the chair and hold your heart

Then bryce came over

Bryce= bry

Bry:" can i Help u?"

Jules:" no but ty she has heart Problems she has to go to the hospital rn or she isn't going to make it
One day she nearly passed away

You look in bryce's eyes for a sec then he looks at u

Bry:" so u have any family i could call?"
He asked with a worried face

You:" my f-f- family past away when i was little"

Then everything got black

*jules's pov*

You:" shit she blacked out"

Then the ambulance arrived

Doc:" scince when is she blacked out"

You:" a few Minutes"

Doc:" ok we need to go to the hospital rn Who comes"

You:" me"
Everyone nodded

*riley's pov*

After she and jules went in the ambulance car a few people came towords us

Boy:" bryce do u come now?"

Bry:" jaden wait celia got in the hospital i was just checking if everything is fine"

Shit that boy is jaden im sure celia wanted to See him

She still loves him

She Talks about him Non stop

Then too girls and one boy came to us

The boy:" guys we have the Table do u wanna some now"

Bry:" Tayler chill we are making sure celia's friends are fine"

And tayler we all know that she lives her Brothers

Girl1:" oh u are celia's friends is she ok?"

You:" she has heart Problems she nearly passed away one year ago scince then she never really had that pain again but when she is stressed then it comes back im riley btw and that is madi"

Girl1:" oh im sorry im avani and this is nessa" she Pointed to the other girl

Madi looked at me like she wanted to say bro that's them

Bry:" oh ehm can u tell us if she gets better maybe we can Help with anything i know how it is to have someone who u love that has something with their heart my sis passed away one year ago bc of her heart"
You:" u can give me your number wait here my phone"

Madi:" ok nice Meeting y'all but we have to get to the hospital"

Then we went to the hospital

*avani's pov*

You:" do u Think she is going to get better"

Ness:" yeah i Think so"

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