part 5

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I wake up it was midnight but i had a bad nighmare about my dad i have them almost everynight so i started crying like always
*jaden's pov*
I woke up from ella crying
You:" hey , hey princess what's wrong?"
*Back to ella's POV*
I sat there crying and then jaden asks me what's wrong
You:" i- i- had a n-nightmare qbout my dad"
Jaden:" it's going to be ok, let's go to the Spot so we can bring u down"
I nodded and we went out
When we got there we just talked
You:" thank you jae"
Jaden:" for what?"
You:" for everything yk"
Then we looked eyes and kissed
Jaden pulled Me on his lap and we made out for a while
Then we pulled away and smiled at each other
Then we went back home

Skip a few days me and jaden are really close
Jaden:" ella get ready" jaden said
You:" why?"
Jaden:" im going to take u on a date"
I smiled and got ready

A/n: hey i hope u like the Story so gar remember ily all

my bully - Jaden Hossler Where stories live. Discover now