part 20

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Back to your POV

I got pulled in a hug idk who that was bc i didn't saw his face then he pulled away

It was jaden

Jaden:" we are going home ok"

I nodded and we got in his car I was shaking after a bit of just a scilent drive i asked him something


Jaden:" MHH?"

You:" do u hate me?"

Jaden:" what? Nooooo i could never i thought about u every day u weren't by my side i cried myself to sleep thinking u aren't here anymore"

You:" can i say something?"

Jaden:" yeah sure"

You:" jaden i really missed u after i went to the hospital for a while i moved here but i wasnt happy or anything i wasnt talking to anyone"

Jaden:" it's fine im here now"

Then jaden's phone started einging and he picked it up and put on speaker it was tayler

Tay:" broo something is up with my sis where tf are u we have to find her"

You:" dont worry tay"

Tay:" celia omg im so happy you're ok"

You:" jaden saved me"

Then you both went to sway and everyone  hugged and said their missed u

my bully - Jaden Hossler Where stories live. Discover now