part 10

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Skip a few days

I haven't talked to anyone

Im in a bad State

Jaden called a few times but i didn't answered

I texted with avani sometimes

Its just gets worster and worster

I got Tablets that it would get better but it didn't

Today i wanted to go to school again i texted avani

Hey voni im going to school today im still in a bad State but im going to school so pls bo Hugs and im not really talking ly

Im happy to See u again ly

Then i went to school

I went in and saw jaden

Ugh ofc him

I walked passend him

With my hod up

Jaden:" eyyyy ella whats up haven't talked to u in a while

I texted avani

Voni im going to the bathroom pls say to jaden something but not direkt that i have Depression k?

Voniii 💖:
Ok ly see u later

I went to the bathroom im just not Feeling good but it's fine ig

And i really miss my mom

Avani's POV

Ella went to the bathroom and i went to jaden

You(avani):" ey jaden  ella isn't talking  so pls she dont hug anyone either bc she is in the Bad State again she isn't talking to anyone ok? IT's  going to take a long time till she is going to Talk or getting better i Think she will tell u in a few weeks what's wrong with her so pls don't do anything just be there ok and don't be mad at her"

Then i left

Nessa wasnt there rn bc she already left

Jaden's POV

That was weird what does she mean by ella dont Talk i mean what did everyone do? What does she mean by ella is in a bad State and it's going to take long

Then ella came back out of the bathroom i saw she has been crying then i saw she took Tablets that is shit so i texted her

My girl❤🤍

Hey ella can u pls tell me what's wrong i just want to Help u

My girl:
Jaden im going to tell u after school i can't really Talk but promise u won't do anything or tell anyone

Ok i will text u ly

Skip after school
Back to ella's POV

I went out of school and texted jaden

Cute boiii❤

Hey jay soo i got Depression one year ago thats why the doc talked to me like that i have to take this Tablets this shit always takes a ling time im not really talking yk just sitting in my room and watching the wall i hate that but i can't fo anything about that so pls don't be mad if im not talking or  sometimes im in the hospital for a few days its fine ig i just hate that shit on Last monday when i was in the hospital one year ago my mom past away i really miss her yk so sometimes im just beeing at home and not coming to school ok. Please dont tell anyone

Jaden's POV

I went in my phone after school and saw..

The message

I didn't know she had Depression tbh i just want to be here for her and i want her to be happy but ik im not gonna change if she's happy im just always gonna be there for her

my bully - Jaden Hossler Where stories live. Discover now