part 8

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I cant really do anything so i put the picture back in my locker and texted avani and nessa bc rn i cant really Talk

Yk bad State again and today one year ago mom died can u guys come to the Grave with me after school. Me and Jaden aren't really a thing anymore or aren't really friends pls don't tell him about my Depression i dont want the hole school to know and yk no Hugs and yk i dont really Talk ly

Avani: yeah it's fine we will go with u after school we know what we aren't going to do anything ok ly

Nessa: yeah we know and we will go with u ly

Then i heard jadens voice coming over
My Hod was up bc yk

Jaden came over and tried to grab my wrist to hug me but i moved away

Avani:" jaden dont ok"

I could feel a anoyed face on me

Jaden:" is it bc i was on a date witz mads is it bc i left on thursday to go on that date" he was angry i could tell

A tear rolled Down my face bc everything was too much

I just shook my head

Jaden:" i Think it is u r just jelous"

I shook my head again

Then i texted avani

Im going home i Think i have to go to the doc too yk tayler is driving me there im going to the grave alone ok but ly tell nessa that ok

Ok ly i will tell ness its ok go home and stuff

Then i left

*Avani's pov*

Ella texted me saying she is going home bc of her bad State

You(avani): " ness, ella is going home and yk bc of her state"

Jaden looked at me

Jaden:" what's wrong with her today?"  He asked anoyed

You:" jaden i can't tell u"

Then me and nessa left

Im so sorry for ella
Her Depression always comes random
And one year ago her mom died

That Kid is the strongest in

Back to ella's POV

I went out of school and many people were looking at me bc jaden talked to me and i didn't Talk back

I  texted tayler real quick

Tay can u pick me up yk bad State and  i need to go home and the doc said i have to be there by 1 (tay told me)

Yeah i will be there in a sec dont worry u dont have to go to school rn if  u cant

Then i saw taylers car and got in

I just nodded as i walked in

Bc i cant really Talk

(Like i can but just can't hahah if u understand i could get a hi out of my mouth but i just can't yk)

Skip to the doc

I went in and saw ...

my bully - Jaden Hossler Where stories live. Discover now