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She had been sitting in Lena’s chair for a few quiet seconds before sitting up and noticing the small device. It had been a bit difficult for her to get onto the large desk, struggling to balance on the spinning chair. But after getting on the armrests, she was able to scramble onto the desk. 

The alien detection device. 

She had heard about it here and there. 

It was to be the next product LCorp would release. She knew Lena had good reason to release it. It would help with identifying aliens for law enforcement. There had been more aliens that had been violent or causing harm recently, something Supergirl knew fully well. But Kara knew how the media worked, how it could twist something to appear negative and just evil. Working under Cat as her assistance gave her privy as to how Cat ran her media empire. Sure, the topics were questionable at times, but they were still influential to a certain extent. 

If Lena’s device were to be released, the media would go crazy over the Luthor name again. Lex’s trial had yet to occur since the legal system enjoyed taking its time. Lena would be painted to be the same as Lex, despite wanting her device to be able to help.

Having heard about the dangers within LCorp and the fragile image Lena had from Mr. Martin and Mrs. Masters had made Kara fear for Lena’s safety. 

She had nosed it before cautiously biting into it, feeling surprised when it gave in easily and had continued to chew on it until she reached the wiring. Then Lena walked in.

Lena has taken care of her ever since she had turned, and she betrayed her to an extent. 

“Kara. Can you understand me?” Lena's voice had never sounded so cold towards her. It scared Kara a little bit, but she still nodded. 

And now, with her head lowered, Kara has never felt so guilty in her life. She didn't expect to destroy the device but she couldn't stop, her fear for Lena’s safety driving her. 

Kara kept her head down and tail tucked underneath her, feeling tense when Lena went dead silent. 



“That is an interesting offer,” J’onn muttered, giving Alex a worried look as she chugged coffee from the large mug Kara had gifted her a few weeks ago. A navy mug with the words ‘Best Big Sister in the Universe’ written on the side in white font, a small firearm printed underneath. 

Alex heaved a large sigh as she lowered the cup, wiping her lips. Alex then rubbed her eyes, shaking her head a bit, “Do you think it has merit?”

“...I was able to blend in the moment I arrived, yet others don’t have that luxury. It is very likely aliens banded together to form a safe place for themselves. For the detective to know about it shows how much they trust her.”

“Can she be lying?” Alex took another sip.

“She's not. She's been angry and confused, but she's not the deceitful type.” J’onn paused for a few seconds before saying, “You should go along, find out about this place.”

“But Super-”

“-I know, Alex. But at times like this, it's best to keep busy. I will inform you if there are any new updates,” J’onn shot Alex a reproachful look, “Should I order you to take a nap before then?”

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