To the Park! To the Park!

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Kara let out a yawn, feeling her sleepiness seep away from her. She was sprawled out on her bed.

"Good morning." Kara heard Lena whisper, before feeling a hand run through the fur on her back.

Kara yipped. "Good morning." She raises her head to look above her, to see Lena leaning over the edge of her bed, glasses resting on her nose.

Lena's phone started to ring, making Lena sigh. Kara had come to realizse that Jess would call Lena early, to inform her about the work for the day.

Lena reached over to pick up her phone. "Good morning Jess."

Meanwhile, Kara stood up from her bed and stretched. 'Weird to think that I've only been a dog since Wednesday, and it's only Saturday.' Kara padded around the room. 'It just feels natural, and rather nice, being a dog... Although, the dog instincts do kick in once in a while and it's difficult to push them down. Like when that man came to see Lena, and I was just tense the whole time. And yesterday, with James...'

Kara sat down in front of the closed door, absentmindedly raising her left hind leg to scratch behind her left ear. '...I had felt defensive, even though he's my friend. And his anger towards Lena...Why was he so angry? Has he met her before?... Cat mentioned that I was on 'vacation'. Alex probably realized that I'm missing, and made the request, and it was either James or WInn who sent it to Cat...Okay, so my job is somewhat secure. Cat didn't mention how long I was away on 'vacation', so how long do I have until I don't have a job anymore?' Kara shook her head. 'There's nothing I can really do other than hope that I will have a job after all of this.'

Kara heard Lena get up from her bed, still on the phone with Jess. Kara tried her best to ignore the conversation, not wanting to listen in. She couldn't help her ears from picking up a few words. The word "walk" stood out to her for some reason. 'Walk... Lena did say we could go for a walk today. It would be nice to walk through the park.'

Lena opened the door to the hallway, allowing Kara to go first, who happily ran down the hallway. She ran towards the puppy pad and did her business. 'I hate doing that, I really do.' Kara grumbled as she padded over to the kitchen, and noticed the dog food in her dog bowl. She watched as Lena placed her plate in the microwave, and decided to wait. She glanced out the large windows of the penthouse, and saw the sun rising, with no clouds in sight.

'It looks like it would be a great day to go on a walk.' Kara felt her tail start to wag.

"Will that be all for today Jess?...Great... I'll see you in a few." Lena hung up, just as the microwave dinged. Kara watched as Lena reached into the microwave, pulling out her plate. Once Lena began to eat, Kara started to eat her dog food. Her tail began to wag furiously once she realized Lena had placed two of the meatballs at the bottom.

'Hopefully we do go on that walk.' Kara continued to eat her food. '...I hope Alex is doing okay..' Kara fought down a whine. '...Oh Rao, what about Eliza?!' Kara sat up abruptly, suddenly feeling guilty. 'I didn't even think about her...' Kara slouched a little. '...Gosh, how could I forget about her? I was supposed to call her on Sunday!' Kara's ears seemed to droop even more. 'I hope Eliza forgives me for not calling.'

Kara glanced at what little food remained in her dog bowl, and continued to eat. Her ears remained to droop. 'Just focus on today, Kara....We may go to the park later.' Her ears perked up a little at that thought.



The baby rhino was no longer in the containment cell.

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