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Kara felt an uncomfortable pressure in her bladder, which made her open her eyes. She lifted her head, and glanced around. She was in Lena's room, on her dog bed, she realized. The room was rather dark, but she could see just fine.

'Did I fall asleep?' Kara sat up, yawning widely. She pawed her eyes a little. 'I remember eating then feeling tired... Did I go into a food coma?' Kara noticed the puppy pad next to her bed.

'Oh right.'

Kara did her business.

'Much better. Although, I don't think I will ever get used to doing that.' Kara thought, walking off the pad. Kara stretched, lowering her front paws in front of her and extending them. 'Golly, I'm tense.'

Once she was done stretching, she walked a little in front of her bed. 'I wonder what time it is.' Kara turned around, facing the nightstand. She stood up on her hind legs, and saw that the alarm clock read 4:21 A.M. She fell back on all fours, then sat down. 'It's so early. And I feel so...not tired....I just feel off.' Kara heard something tapping the wooden floor, making her turn a little to face behind her.

Her tail was frantically wagging, tapping the floor in a constant rhythm.

She watched her tail wag for a couple of seconds, somewhat entranced by the movement.

'...Why do I want to chase it?' Kara shook her head, reaching with her left paw behind her, holding down her tail. Kara took a moment to focus on how she was feeling. 'It's like I want to run a hundred miles...and keep going.'

Her tail continued to wag furiously, making her remove her paw. Kara stood up, and began to walk around Lena's room, wanting to burn some of the energy she was feeling. Despite the wooden floors, her walk was silent.

She then began to trot around the room, doing a couple of laps. It felt wonderful to be moving around. Exhilarating even.

She stopped after doing fifty laps, sitting down near Lena's walk in closet. She glanced towards the alarm clock on Lenas nightstand, and saw that it was now 5 A.M.

'I still want to run.' Kara shifted uneasily on her paws. 'I just want to run..and run...gosh, why am I feeling like this?''

Kara glanced at the closed door of Lena's bedroom. 'If only I could open the door, I could run down the hallway...But of course, I need hands to open the door.' Kara huffed, stomping her right front paw.

Kara glanced towards the large bed. Lena hadn't even stirred while she was trotting around the room. 'I don't want to wake her up...I'll just trot around until she wakes up.'

Kara continued to trot around the room. Her pace picked up slightly.


Lena heard her alarm go off, making her groan. She reached over blindly with her left hand, turning it off.

She sat up, rubbing her eyes. She let out a yawn, and stretched her arms above her, and heard her back crack a little.

Lena heard a small bark, making her open her eyes. She saw Kara standing on her hind legs, pawing at the doorknob of her bedroom door. Kara let out another bark.

"You're up early." Lena muttered, her voice sounding a bit gruff to her own ears. She reached over to grab her glasses, and put them on. Kara let out a small yip.

Her phone rang, making her sigh. Jess.

'Why did I think it was a good idea to talk about work before I even get to work?' Lena picked up the phone and stood up. She shook her head. 'Focus.'

"Good morning, Ms. Luthor." Jess's voice was clear through the phone. Lena glanced next to Kara's bed, spotted the used pad and picked it up to throw it out in the kitchen.

"Good morning, Jess." Lena walked over to her bedroom door and opened it. Kara rushed ahead of her, running down the hallway. Lena followed behind her.

"For today-" Jess continued to list the meetings she would have to attend for the day, along with the paperwork she would have to review.

Lena made her way towards her kitchen, opening a drawer which revealed a trash can, and threw the pad inside. She walked over to the kitchen sink to wash her hands, holding the phone with her face against her right shoulder.

"-At 11:40 A.M., Shaun will be waiting to take you for your lunch with Ms. Grant." Lena grimaced slightly, turning off the water, and drying her hands.

"At 3 P.M-" Jess continued to list the rest of the day. It went on for a few more minutes. Lena walked over to her refrigerator to get her breakfast.

"That is all for today, Ms. Luthor. Additionally, I have signed you and Kara up for a puppy class next Friday at 6 P.M. According to the instructor I intero-talked to, the first class is merely getting all the puppies together, along with their owners. It's more for them to socialize, and for the instructor to see their behaviors."

Lena nodded, absorbing all the information. "Very well. Thank you, Jess. Is there anything else?"

"That is all Ms. Luthor. I will see you in an hour." Jess hung up.

Lena placed down her phone, and went to get her breakfast ready, along with Kara's.

Which meant placing the plate in the microwave. Once she put in the time, she glanced around the kitchen, and didn't see Kara. She reached into one of the lower cabinets, and took out Kara's dog food, and placed some dog food for Kara in her bowl. She placed the bag back in the cabinet.

"Kara?" Lena called out, walking to the living room. She saw the puppy running around the piles of dog items in the living room. Kara would run around one pile, then run around another, then run around both piles.

The puppy's tail was wagging furiously as she ran.

"Kara?" Kara ran in front of Lena, barking happily. The puppy bowed down, lowering the front part of her body, her tail wagging behind her. Kara was clearly in a playful mood.

Lena took a step, and Kara took off running to the other side of the living room. Kara bowed down again, barking towards Lena.

Lena smiled widely before running after the puppy, who yipped. Kara ran down the hallway, with Lena following suit.

"Come here!" Once she got close to Kara, Lena leaned down to pick her up, but Kara sped past in between her legs, racing back towards the living room.

"I'm gonna get you!"

Kara barked back at Lena, stopping behind a pile of dog toys.

Lena rushed towards the pile, lunging at the puppy, who yelped. Lena caught the puppy in a hug.

The microwave Dinged! Making them both pause.

Kara yipped, then licked Lena's cheek, making the brunette giggle. Lena placed the puppy down, then stood up.

"Come on. Lets have breakfast." Lena started to walk towards her kitchen. "I have a feeling today is going to be a long day."

Kara barked a few times before rushing to the kitchen.

'Lunch with Ms. Grant.' Lena thought, walking towards the kitchen. 'Wonder how that will go.'

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