I'm a Puppy?!

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'This is so bad. This is so not good.' Kara thought as she looked at her reflection in the water with her bright blue eyes.

Instead of seeing her usual Kryptonian body, she saw a dog. More specifically, a puppy.

To be even more specific, a Golden Retriever puppy. A very fluffy golden retriever puppy with floppy ears, and if she had been in her normal body, she would have awed.

To be fair, she was cute.

'This is so bad. Rao, Alex is gonna be so mad.' She startled when she heard a whine, making her look around, then realized she was the one that made that sound.

Why was she a puppy? Well, she may have touched something she wasn't supposed to.

The DEO had been tracking an alien for the past couple of weeks, one that had the ability to shift into different species. The alien had been able to shift into a human as well, but they hadn't been able to speak. They had left goo behind after they shifted, and it had been picked up by the DEO, after Kara let them know where it was.

Alex had been analyzing it in a DEO lab, and Kara had poked at it, much to Alex's annoyance, who slapped her hand away, saying, "Don't touch it! We don't know if it can affect you!"

Kara had scoffed, but now, looking at her reflection, she realized she really shouldn't touch things she wasn't too sure about.

She had been fne the day before, but earlier this morning, on her way to work at Catco she started feeling faint, so she walked into an alleyway to take a breather, where she then passed out. She woke up tangled in her clothes, and she had struggled to get them off, before realizing she was smaller than normal.

She looked in a puddle of water, whining. 'What do I do?! I can't call Alex, I don't have opposable thumbs!' She started to pace in the alleyway, stumbling on her four legs, before slowly getting used to the moving on all fours. 'I could walk to the DEO, but I don't think they'll let a dog in, so what can I do?!'

She glanced at her pile of work clothes, her work bag and her suit. She spotted her earpiece which had fallen out, when she had shifted forms. 'Even if Alex calls me, I won't be able to communicate with her.' She pawed her earpiece. 'Darn the small button!'

She sat down, head tilting, looking at her belongings then looking towards the exit of the alleyway, where she saw a few people walking by. 'Well, I can't leave these things out in the open.' She stood back up on her four paws, grabbed her suit with her teeth and tugged it behind one of the trash cans in the alley way, tugging with all her might. 'Why is it so heavy?!'

Once she hid it behind the trash can, she tugged the rest of her belongings behind the trash can. It took a few minutes to successfully hide her things. She sat down and panted, her tongue sticking out of her mouth. 'That was much harder than it should've been.'

She looked at the earpiece, padded over to it, then picked it up with her teeth. 'It has a GPS in it, and maybe if I carry it around with me, once Alex tries to contact me, I won't be able to talk back, which would make her suspicious, then she would track me down. That's the plan!'


Kara stood still after hearing a meow. She turned her snout to the trash can, looking above the lid, where her blue eyes met the green eyes of an adult black cat.

"Hello!" Kara huffed through her teeth, keeping the earpiece in her mouth. Her tail wagged behind her. She really loved cats. "You're a good kitty, right?!"

The cat's pupils turned into slits, it's fur starting to rise. "Mrrrrrrrooooooowwww."

Kara froze. She had grown up with Streaky, and when he made those noises, it wasn't good. The cat jumped down from the trash can, stalking towards her.

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