Lena's Closet

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"...You said yesterday that you were going to let me go." The brunette glared fiercely at Alex. Alex had dropped off the brunette's breakfast, feeling too antsy to do nothing. Alex had also dropped off the alien a couple of different things to eat in its new cell.

The alien had just eyed her warily before picking up an orange.

"I'm well aware of what I said, however, unless I am certain that you won't speak about this location, your release can't be guaranteed."

"Agent Danvers! Agent Danvers!" Alex heard a frantic voice yelling down the hallway of the holding cells, making her glance in their direction. Agent Fernandez, one of the newest additions to the DEO agents, was running towards her.

Agent Fernandez made it to her side, panting. "Agent Danvers...Agent Dom...is..now...a Rhino!"

"What?" Alex asked, shock clear in her voice.

"Agent Dom is a baby Rhino!" Agent Fernandez almost shouted. Alex blinked in shock.

"He turned into a Rhino?! Wait, I know wh-"

"-Show me." Alex quickly muted the brunette, cursing inwardly for not having done it earlier.

Alex ran behind Agent Fernandez, and they both exited the containment cells.


Lena's Penthouse

Kara couldn't help but be surprised when she was woken up by Lena petting her back. She had gotten used to being awoken by Lena's alarm by now.

"Good morning, Kara." Lena said gently.

Kara let out a large yawn, stretching her limbs.

"Jess managed to convince me to take a day off last night." Lena stopped stroking Kara's back and stood up, stretching her arms above her head. "So, I am not sure what to do for the day. What do you think we should do? ...Hmm, maybe we should eat breakfast first." Lena glanced down at Kara, who was still sprawled out on her dog bed, who then turned over on her back. Kara barked, rushing to her four paws, and rushing to Lena's bedroom door.

Lena chuckled and walked over to the door, opening it and allowing Kara to go running down the hallway and into the living room.

Lena walked to the kitchen and prepared Kara's breakfast and filled in her water bowl. Lena smiled at Kara once the puppy padded into the kitchen, who then sat down in front of her bowls.

The brunette grabbed her breakfast, a delicious mango yogurt, from the fridge and sat down on her usual stool in the kitchen, after grabbing a spoon. She glanced down towards Kara, who had yet to take a bite of her food. Curious, Lena waited for Kara to take a bite.

Kara just tilted her head.

Shrugging, Lena scoops yogurt into her mouth and watches Kara start to eat her kibble.


Once they were done eating breakfast, they both walked over to Lena's living room.

Lena grimaced as she eyed the piles of dog items. "Maybe I should organize all of this... I should consider getting some extra bins."

Lena glanced around her living room, focusing on the wooden cabinet underneath her tv. "I could place some collars in there?" Lena muttered to herself. "The costumes should also fit in one of the drawers, don't think I have anything in there anyway..."

She didn't realize Kara had made her way back to her bedroom


Kara had walked towards Lena's room, hoping to nap a little bit more while Lena organized the dog stuff. She didn't want to be in the brunette's way. Padding into Lena's room, Kara eyed the door to Lena's walk in closet, realizing it was open just the slightest amount.

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