Meet Bailey

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Kara eyed Bailey from her place in her kennel. The security guard had sat in front of her kennel, seeming to be content to just stare at her. Well, her puppy form.

Bailey appeared to be in his twenties, was dark skinned, and had kind looking brown eyes. He appeared to be heavily muscled underneath his fancy looking suit. Jess certainly picked a good one.

Kara sniffed, her nose twitching. Even from a slight distance, she could smell him. 'His scent is not as nice as Lena's but...I can just tell he is kind hearted...just based on his scent?'

"You are an adorable looking puppy. You remind me of my own dog." Bailey muttered, a small smile appearing on his face.

'What should I do?...I could just sleep until Lena comes back...but I kind of want to know this guy...' Kara kept her eyes on him. 'It's like a part of me just wants to walk up to him and be friends...Is it because of my puppy instincts?... I think Golden Retriever's are one of the most friendliest breeds, so I may be influenced a little...I kind of want to play as well. ' Kara turned a bit, and spotted a bright green tennis ball next to her comfy bed. 'I never thought I would go crazy for tennis balls, but I did.'

Kara thought of the night before for a second, and cringed inwardly.

'It took a while before I was able to control myself.... I'm just happy Lena didn't record any of it...Or did she?!...Oh well...'

A Squeak! made her turn back to face Bailey, who was now holding a tennis ball in his left hand.

Kara felt her tail begin to wag. 'Oh alright fine.'

Kara stood up from her bed and padded over to Bailey, slowly getting closer to him.

"Hi Kara." Bailey extended his right hand, allowing Kara to sniff his hand.

'He smells nice...I can smell a little gunpowder as well, and metal, but it's not making me freak out... He probably has a gun under his suit, and the metal?..He probably has a knife as well...I can smell another dog??...A German Shepherd?...' Kara allowed Bailey to pat her head gently. 'Amazing how I can tell what type of dog he has just by his scent.'

"I promised Jess I would get a couple of pictures for her." Bailey said, amusement clear in his voice. "She was really excited when she found out that Ms. Luthor got a Golden Retriever puppy."

Kara sat down in front of him, and saw him put the ball on the ground, and then reach into his suit. Kara tilted her head when Bailey brought out a small pair of sunglasses.

"Jess gave me these." Bailey held out the pair of glasses to Kara, who sniffed them. "That girl really loves dogs. I'm surprised she was able to keep a straight face when she saw you with that collar."

Kara sat still as he gently placed the pair of glasses on her snout, covering her eyes.

Bailey chuckled at the puppy, and brought out his phone. "Jess is going to love this."

Kara was willing to play along, and put on a puppy smile

'After all of this, I better find a way to get a hold of all these photos.'


At 11:55 AM, Jess, Stevie and Lena walked off the elevator on the top floor. Stevie went to his usual position beside the elevator.

"Any request for lunch, Ms. Luthor?" Jess asked, placing down her clipboard on her desk.

"Yes, can you get something from Noonan's for me?" Lena asked, her gaze focused on the alien detection device in her hands.

Jess raised an eyebrow at that. "Of course, Ms. Luthor. Would you like me to take Kara along, to get some exercise?"

Lena sighed. "Yes. I have to finish filling out some paperwork and-" Lena stopped talking when she opened the door to her office doors.

"Ms. Luthor?" Jess asked, getting closer to the brunette and spotted what made Lena stop talking. It took everything to not squeal at the sight.

Kara was sitting in front of the doors, holding a rose and a rather large piece of paper, with the words 'Welcome back, Lena!', in her jaw. Kara's tail was wagging behind the puppy.

"Ok, that is just too adorable." Lena smiled, getting closer to the puppy and kneeling down, taking the piece of paper and the rose. Kara rose up on her hind legs, rested a paw on Lena's knee and licked Lena's cheek.

"Kara certainly missed you, Ms. Luthor." Bailey, who was standing up off to the side, said. The guard held a mischievous look.

"Was she good, Bailey?" Lena asked, rubbing down Kara's back.

"She was very obedient, Ms. Luthor. She must've been trained. Even my own dog isn't that well trained, although, she does tend to be stubborn." Bailey said.

Lena stood up and walked over to her desk, with Kara trailing behind her. "Where did you get the rose, Bailey?" Lena placed down the device, the piece of paper, and the rose on her desk.

"That is my little secret, Ms. Luthor." Bailey smiled. "May I go back to my post?"

"Of course. Thank you for looking after Kara." Lena sat down in her chair. Kara sat down beside her chair.

Bailey bowed a little. "It was my pleasure, Ms.Luthor." Bailey walked out of the office.

Jess walked closer to Lena's desk. "What would you like from Noonan's, Ms. Luthor?" Jess picked up Kara's leash.

Lena turned her computer on. "Just order me what you think I'll like."

"Very well. Come along, Kara." Jess called for Kara, who remained sitting near Lena's chair.

"Kara, come here." Kara glanced at Lena, who nodded. Kara padded over to Jess, and allowed her to clip the leash.

"I'll be back soon with your lunch, Ms. Luthor." Jess led Kara out of the office. Kara let out a bark towards Lena, before rushing towards the doors, pulling Jess out of the office. "Wait, Kara!"

Lena chuckled and went back to work.

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