The Next Morning

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Lena heard the alarm on her dresser go off, rousing her from her sleep. Lena moved to sit up, but a weight on her chest had her open her eyes, to blearily see the golden puppy resting on her chest, absolutely knocked out.

"How did you get on the bed?" Lena wondered softly, gently moving the puppy off her chest, making the dog whine. Lena placed the puppy on her covers, where it quickly curled up.

The alarm continued to blare, making Lena sigh and reach over to turn it off. The brunette looked at the time, 6 AM. Lena reached over for her glasses, and put them on.

As much as she would love to continue to sleep, she knew full well how much she would have to make up. Lena glanced at the sleeping puppy, then reached over to pet its back.

Lena never would've thought such a small creature could bring her such joy, but looking at the small golden, she was proven wrong. Seeing the dog chase after the tennis balls, play with some tug toys, and even the peeing incident, had somehow eased the loneliness she had felt. The poor puppy had looked so guilty sitting in the bathtub, yet it warmed Lena's heart. She was definitely looking forward to spending more time with the puppy.

Her cellphone rang. Lena sighed, then reached over for her phone, seeing JESS as the caller ID.

Lena answered. "Good morning Jess." She continued to rub her puppy's back.

"Good morning Ms. Luthor, I hope you slept well. I have here with me the schedule for the day if you would like to hear."

"Of course Jess."

"Very well. You have a meeting with Mr. Chad Wales at 8AM, which could last for about two hours, his secretary had told me he has much to say. The R&D department would like to report to you about their progress on the alien detection device at 10:30 AM." Jess continued to list out the meetings for the day for a few more minutes.

"And those are all the meetings for the day. Oh and Cat Grant left a note for you late last night. Would you like me to read it now?"

Lena raised an eyebrow. Why would Cat Grant leave a note for her? "Yes, of course."

"I will read it word for word. Her note says, 'I was recently informed you came to visit Catco, and had asked for my assistant Kara Danvers. Kara Danvers has recently taken a brief vacation and won't be back for a month. However, I would like to speak with you, come by tomorrow for lunch.' That is all she said."

Lena's face burned. 'Of course Cat Grant would have noticed my brief visit.'

"Would you like me to confirm those lunch plans for tomorrow, Ms. Luthor?" Jess seemed amused.

"Please do. Cat Grant is not one to argue with, and if anything, this would be very beneficial for LCorp." Lena looked down at her puppy, who seemed to twitch.

"Very well...How is your new dog, Ms.Luthor?" Jess asked curiously.

"Well, she is doing well, and it looks like she is waking up." Lena smiled as the puppy rolled on its back, presenting its belly, yawning widely, eyes still closed. She rubbed the puppy's belly, seeing its left hind leg start to kick.

"What type of dog is it?" Jess asked.

"A Golden Retriever."

"Oh my gosh, they are the cutest breed. Will you be bringing her to your office?" Jess seemed to gush for a second, before her voice seemed to go back to a more professional tone.


"Wonderful. In addition to the items sent to your penthouse, I also had some puppy supplies sent to your office. Your office is well supplied with everything a puppy should need."

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