Lunch with Ms. Grant

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Jess looked at her watch, noting the time 7:29 A.M. Her eyes trailed up back to the elevator, seeing that the elevator was about to reach the 80th floor. Both Stevie and Bailey were at their usual positions by the elevator, looking professional as ever.

She glanced back at her watch: 7:30 AM. The elevator let out a Ding! and opened, allowing Lena and Kara to step off.

Jess bit down her squeal once she saw that Lena and Kara matched again. Lena, with a beautiful green pantsuit, looking like the boss that she is, and Kara with a green bow tie collar.

"Good morning, Ms Luthor." Jess, Bailey and Stivie said in unison. Jess walked closer to the brunette and handed her a folder.

"Good morning everyone." Lena took the folder. Kara let out a small bark, her whole body practically shaking.

Jess raised an eyebrow at the Golden pup. "Kara sure is energetic today." Kara's tail wagged furiously.

Lena let out a chuckle. "She was fidgety the whole ride here. Would you three mind keeping her occupied while I work?" Lena glanced down the rather long hallway. "I'm sure she just wants to run around. I may take her to the park for a walk tomorrow."

"We would love to, Ms. Luthor." Jess took Kara's leash, opening the door to Lena's office allowing the brunette to walk in. "I will let you know when Shaun is here to take you to Catco."

"Thank you, Jess." Lena turned to look at Kara. "Be good for Jess, okay?"

Kara let out a small yip, her tongue hanging out of her mouth.

Lena walked into her office, and Jess closed the door behind her.


Kara's ears perked up and she turned quickly towards the sound. Jess turned around as well, and saw that Bailey was holding a tennis ball in his hand. Stevie, who was on the other other side of the elevator, had an amused look in his eyes.

"We both know you wanted to play with her since yesterday." Bailey tossed Jess the ball. Jess glances towards Kara, who seemed to crouch the slightest bit. Bailey walked over to Kara, gently removing the green leash, and placing it on Jess's desk, before walking over to his usual position.


Kara kept her eyes on the ball. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't keep her body from shaking. It was an overwhelming sensation, one that she couldn't push down. Her body screamed at her to move, to run, to jump. Anything to expel the amount of energy she was feeling.

"Ready?" Jess moved closer to her desk. Kara kept her eyes on the ball.

"Fetch!" Jess threw the ball down the hall. Kara immediately ran after it, the only thought going through her mind being 'Catch it! Catch it!'. She pounced on the ball, pushing it down with her front paws before grabbing it with her mouth, biting down. 'Bite it! Bite it!'

Squeak! Squeak!

Kara kept biting, laying on her back, pawing at it with her front paws.

"Come here, Kara! Bring it back!" Kara heard Jess call out to her. She kept the ball in her mouth and turned over, running over to Jess. She dropped the ball in Jess's hand, and got ready to run again.

It was going to be a fun couple of hours.


LCorp 11:30 A.M.

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