All American Premier

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Chloe POV
Halle I'm nervous as hell I panic talking to my sister . "Calm down chlo bear it's nothing to be nervous. Look let's take this shot of vodka so you can losses up tonight and have fun and get your man sis " I laughed and took the shot she gave me . I make a face

taking the substance in my mouth which was very strong . Damn Halle that shit was strong as hell . Ik girl but you need to get loose she said as we approach the buildings where the premier is being held .

My and my good sis exit the car and walked over the the red carpet . Which we were almost trampled by new reports and paparazzi thank god for our body guards though . When we enter the building the premier beautiful

wow Halle this is amazing I said wile my sister just starred in awe

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wow Halle this is amazing I said wile my sister just starred in awe . "Ik chlo this is freaking amazing tonight is going to be the night I can feel it Chloe.

After she said we walked to the bar got some drinks said hi to the directors and now we are in our little section chill to the music . While me and Halle where dancing Micheal and Daniel a-fuckin-proch us I think I'm going to throw up .


Daniel POV: we finally made it to the party late of course because Micheal wanted to be a ladies man of course and take a whole damn photo shoot .This nigga should have been a model not a actor how much he takes pictures.

Once we made it in the building we greeted our cast/friends and our directors .After that we made  it to the bar to order some drinks and our the corner of my eye there she is Chloe , after mic saw Halle he lost it as well "hey man this our chance let's go and met them " he said .

He was right this was our time let's go I said and we made our way to them . Heyy I said she look up at me I almost lost it "hi " she said with a low soft voice . My name is Daniel I play Spencer James on the show . " I know I'm an huge fan I'm Chloe " she said I know who you are I'm an huge fan as well I love your music . "Thanks  I really appreciate it "she said  you look uncomfortable I said looking in to a big brown Hazle nut eyes .

" Not really my sister wanted me to go this party I don't really like crowds I have really bad anxiety but my sister doesn't know that so I came here with her " she said very sadly dropping her head look like she was about to cry  . I felt so bad hey you wanna get out of here get some food maybe get to know each other . "No you can't just leave your a main cast in this show this is your premier. "

They will understanding look in her eyes."okay" she said looking in my eyes " but I have to tell my sister " we look at her sister and Micheal and they were sucking each other's face off they they knew each other Chloe   called her name and Halle look up after chloe told her she smiled at her and told her to be safe .

Me and Chloe headed out in my black G Wagon I can't wait until I get to know her I look at her she was sound to sleep she is prefect.

AN :
Omg they finally met how are y'all feeling comment some things y'all want to see in this book love y'all make sure to love comment and share love y'all 💕👑

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