Crush ??

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Chloe POV
I woke up and rubbing my eyes to look at my surroundings .

To only wake up in an unfamiliar environment . Where the hell am I asked . As I look around the room for clues I see Daniel Ezra and his friends from All American .And other people I'm inferior that it his family .

After seeing that last night starts flooding back in my head .
Omg chloe you are in his freakin house . I made sure I had my same outfit one .

And I didn't I had one a huge shirt and some joggers wow chloe I hope you ain't fuck him yet I told myself getting out the bed and making my way to the living room .

Hello I called out to see if anyone was here. Yeah I heard a male voice calling out assuming that's was Daniel by his London accent . "I'm in here pretty girl he said " as I made my was to the couch .
We made eye contact we sat there awhile not saying anything he finally broke the silence.

Daniel POV
You had feel asleep ,and I didn't know where you house was. So I took you to mine I didn't want to wake you sorry I said nervously. "Did we she said " in her soft elegant voice .

No of course not I would never do that to you chloe I said I'm a very ensuring voice .

"Okay can we go the beach today if you don't mind she said " yeah sure I'm free today so we can do whatever . It's crazy that she trust me so much to let me take her the the beach this will be interesting.....

Fast Forward ⏩ To the beach (still Daniel POV)

We and Chloe finally made made it to beach . During the car ride me and Chloe where learning more and more about each other .

To be honest we have so much common as far as upbringing and our work ethic . We have a passion and ambition to to what we love whit h for me is acting for her is really singing and producing .

Me and Chloe exited the car and both races to the sand, after racing we talked and walked on the ocean lines where the sand and water meet . "What your favorite color " she asked ? Red I said what about you ?

"Purple " she responded "well light purple to be exact " "you wanna know a crazy thing I have a crazy crazy crush on you ever since I saw you on the BET awards I was like man I have to meet this girl .

"It's crazy you say that because ever since season 1 of All American I had a crush on you to she said slightly blushing looking down .
I lifted up her chin so that she can look in my eyes .

Let go on a date tonight I really wanna get to know you and see how this turns out . Ik you don't know me well but you trusted me to take you to the beach so what you say ?

"Okay fine but can you drop me off home so I can get dressed and then pick me back up cause I have no clothes at your house " sure let's go so you can have time I said taking her hand leading her back to my car . After we got into the car she gave me her address and we made our way to her house .

Once we made it to her house she sat and their looked at me then hugged me and start crying . Man she's crying that's my weakness I hate when females cry .

"What's wrong chloe I asked " "I'm sorry she wiped he tears it's just I've never left so free like that in along time she said . It's always work and don't get wrong I love work but it's can be to much at times she said .

I kissed her cheek and told her she was welcome anytime she needed me I would be there . Ik it's crazy but I really care about her she is so special I can feel it .

Chloe go inside and I will see you later get some sleep okay babe I said . "Okay Dan . Thanks again "I nodded as watched her exited my car and walked in the house .

After she walked in the house my phone buzzed with a message from my ex TI Taylor

I miss you babe please call me or text me back 💕.

Ugh why is she texting now my ex is so toxic before I was famous I was a very stupid teen . I mean to selling drugs and everything I am even apart of a mafia . But no one knows about that no even my retared ex hopefully Chloe will be okay with it .....

 But no one knows about that no even my retared ex hopefully Chloe will be okay with it

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Ti Taylor 🔥

Hey guys how are you guys feeling ? Make sure to comment like and share love you guys 💕💕👑~Love

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