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Chloe POV :
Baby I miss you . Diggy said

Well I don't miss you now leave me alone ! I said
Diggy grabbed me by my neck slapping me into the brick wall yelling at me . DON' T EVER TALK TO BE LIKE THAT AGAIN DO YO UNDERSTAND ME !! . He said
I didn't respond I just kept my head down crying
Me not answering him must have pissed him off he took me in his trailer still choking me and slammed the door .
He put me to a bed that was in his trailer and started to rip my clothes off .
At this point I had to scream and fight because I will be dammed if I let this happened to me with out a fight .

When the screams and the fighting was to much for him to control he pull out some hand cuffs and some duck tape .
He took the hand cuffs and hand cuffed me to the bed and then duck taped my mouth .

I was useless I couldn't fight any more so all I could do is sit there and let him do what he wanted to do .

⚠️ this is where my book gets a little graphic so be advised .

He started to kiss me my lips where ass straight ass a line not letting him in my mouth at all .

Open you mouth you worthless piece of shit and kiss me back you shut he said taking a knife and slitting my arm .
I scream in pain ahhh . Please stop I said
Saying that look like it made him even more destructive he took his small ass pencil eraser he called a dick and slammed it in me . Making me feel absolutely anything but worthless .
After five minutes of him having his way with me he released inside of me after that he picked me up naked and taking me to the front of the set and threw me out on the street .
I hate life I wanna die now lord but take me please I said until everything goes black .
Author notes :
Heyy guys I got a little graphic today but what do you guys think will happened to Diggy and what's will Daniel do when he finds out ? I told y'all I was back and I ain't going now where 💕

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