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Chloe POV
Waking up in a unfamiliar bed . Where the hell am I I asked my self . When I turned around I saw DANIEL . Omfg I look under my sheets and boom I was naked .

Fuckin naked like wth then that's when it all hit me . We fucked last night did he but in me. What if I become pregnant I'm not on no birth Control or anything omg I need some meth or lean something .

I quickly got out the bed and found my clothes . Whet out side of the house and called an Uber and headed to the bar .

Once I went to the bar I ordered 25 shots of Henny and 18 shots of Diesel. I took the shots back trying to make the memories go away of last night .

Don't get me wrong I liked it but I might be pregnant . What if we have soul ties like it's was just our first date .

Shot after shot after shot after shot after shot I was so drunk I was dancing on tables on random men on the strip pole . Little then I know paparazzi was their taking pictures of me . After I saw them I blacked out .

Halle POV

I get a call from the Los Anglos

Hi Halle this is a nurse from the los Anglos hospital I'm calling about your sister Chloe. She was rushed here because she was so drunk she passed out . ... and we ran test on her as well but the results are unavailable at this moment. The nurse said

Omg okay I'm On my way I said getting up putting on shoes and clothes and rushing out the door .

I called Daniel to come to the hospital he sounded like he was scared and concerned. He told me he will meet me at the hospital.

I hope my sister is okay .I said to myself then a tear left my eye heading to the hospital.

AN I know it's short but it's a choker love y'all long chapters coming soon how y'all feeling y'all think Chloe pregnant or what ???

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