New life

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Chloe POV: (a week later)
Today is the day I finally get to leave this sorry ass hospital!  I'm not gonna if it wasn't for my sister ,Dan,bey and J (J as in Jay Z ) .

I would have probably tried to commit suicide .  But they have been so helpful with my craving morning sickness and everything .

Bey thought it would be nice for me and Daniel to announce our relationship and move in together . Since we are having a baby together .

And over the course of the week me and Daniel have gotten close . Even though we are an relationship me and Daniel decided to take it slow since we don't really know each other like that !

Present tense
Daniel are you ready I ask Daniel while I'm getting my purse fixing my outfit  Halle  bought me .

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"Yes he said getting up and getting our bags "

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"Yes he said getting up and getting our bags "

Today me and Daniel here are going house shopping  with our realtor .

After we checked out we were on our way to the first house .

"Wow this house is amazing I said to Daniel "

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"Wow this house is amazing I said to Daniel "

" I know right when Peter (their realtor) sent me this I was like yess this is where I want to raise my son/daughter .

Same I said with a smile on my face I still can't believe I'm having a baby a motherfucking  baby .

Me and Dan both got out the car and walked over to Peter . Who was standing in front of the house .

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