Dont F with mine

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Chloe POV :
Chloe  ,Chloe , Chloe omg someone called 911 I hear a faint voice calling my name . I can't really see the person because my vision is blurry. And everything's goes black again .

Halle POV
I had just made it to set  walking out of my car a see a naked person .
Omg not this again we have a fan out here naked   ridiculous I thought .
Until I walked up and saw it was my sister passed out .
Omg Chloe ,Chloe , Chloe  omg someone please called 911 please I scream struggling to open my purse to get my phone .

Once I called 911 because everyone else that was outside just stared and taking pictures .
I covered my sister with my jacket and waited up the ambulance came .

At the hospital
Hours and hours me and Daniel sat in silence to hear an update on my sister .
Bey could not come because Blue was under the weather but she said she will be up here as soon as possible.

Halle Daniel said

Uhh I said a little surprised because he hasn't said a word since he came .

I have failed he said crying all over again

I failed her I was supposed to be there for her and our child  , she probably hates me right now

Hey!! Look at me Daniel she does not hate you and today whatever happened to her was not your fault it's the asshole who did this fault okay i said while wiping my own tears .

Chloe loves you she could never hate you . So instead of crying let's pray because the only person that can help us is God right now okay .

We took each other hands and pray for Chloe and my nephew or niece

The family of Chloe Bailey a nurse announced

Me and Daniel walked over to the nurse .

Mrs Bailey is okay  we did multiple test and our labs results came back .

Mrs Bailey suffered from a concussion, her rape kit came back positive, she also has bruises on her neck arms and legs ,and the baby is fine btw she said looking at Daniel . To be honest we are thinking that Mrs Bailey was attacked and the hospital has sent this case to the police for further investigation.

You guys can go and see her now she is in room 213 .

Daniel and I practically ran to room 213 to see Chloe resting her eyes .

Daniel ran to Chloe and hugged her really tightly and kissed her all over her face they are so cute hopefully I find love like that .

Daniel POV

Chloe baby what happened who did this to you . You can trust me okay .

Diggy was all she said .
Diggy who is Diggy I said confused who is this nigga Diggy

Baby he is my Ex he works with me on set for the show grown-ish . Well I went on set today and he took me in his trailer and raped me and held me against my will . Baby I'm so sorry

Hey hey Chloe baby look at me this is not your fault at all imma handle it okay .

Fuck the police this nigga wanna touch mine he must don't know who he dealing with . I said in my head looking him up . Texting my friend Jordan to look up his address for me . Since he wanna fuck with my queen and my baby . Imma make this nigga life his worst fucking nightmare .

After Jordan sent me his address . I kissed Chloe goodbye until I come back .

Daniel please baby don't do nothing something stupid he is not worth it .

Baby when it's comes to you it's worth everything .

————————————————— ——
Pulling up at his house I took my gun out and put it on my waist band and went up to the front door and banged on it .

Who the fuck is t- I didn't even let him finished his sentence before I punched the shit out of him and kept punching until I saw red . I kicked him until he wasn't moving .

Let me make this clear don't ever and I mean ever put your fucking hands on my queen ever again do you understand me .

Yes sir he said with his head down
And I want you to turn your self in to the police tomorrow.

And if you don't imma come back here and kill you my self is that understood
Yes sir he said
Good Now get the fuck out of my sight .
Walking back to my car to go see MY girlfriend , MY future wife , MINE .

Author Note :
Okay so how y'all feeling
Daniel letting these niggas know not to fuck with him
Please excuse and grammar errors 💕😊 remember to comment.
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