New beginnings

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Chloe POV :
2 weeks later .......
Daniel and I have finally settling down in our new house . I can't lie it's been the most peaceful two week I have ever felt in my entire life . But I have it's time for me and Dan to go back to work this week .

Are you excited for your interview I ask Daniel while walking to the bathroom to brush my teeth .

No. He said I wish I can stay home and get to know my beautiful girlfriend he said wrapping his arms around me .

Girlfriend???!!!  I said confused and happy

Yes Girlfriend you became that when you became the mother of my seed  Daniel said

After getting ready I made Daniel and I some breakfast. Don't play with me I know how to throw down in the kitchen okayyy !!!

 Don't play with me I know how to throw down in the kitchen okayyy !!!

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~The breakfast

After we ate we were on our way to work .

Halle let's change the second verse and the third verse and this song is going to be a hit !! I said to my sister

Currently we are in the studio with my sister and our producer ju.

~ Their producer Lil Ju

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~ Their producer Lil Ju

Shit yeah !! Y'all new album is about to be a hit . Ju said rolling a blunt passing it to me asking if I wanted to hit which I rejected .

What's wrong chlo bear you never say no to a hit  ? Ju asked

Ju if I tell you this you better not tell anyone .
I promise I will not tell a soul . He said

Im pregnant I said looking down at my toes

OMG !!!  Ju  and Halle said  me looking confused at Halle because girl you been knew

After their little moment  Ju congratulated Chloe and her and Halle left the studio and headed to the grown-ish set .
  When Chloe walked on set she saw the person she hated most in the world
And that was
The famous Diggy Simmons he EX

Author Note :
I'm back guys and for real this time enjoy the update more coming soon !!

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