Girllll what ???!!!!!

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Halle POV
Hears the door open . Chloe is that you  I said . "Yeah " she said . Where the hell was you I called your ass like 15 hundred times .

"I'm sorry Halle I fell asleep in Daniel's car so he brought me back to his place . The next morning when I woke up we went to the beach and got to know each other . And guess what halls he asked me in a date tonight like bitch in going on a date with my crush . " she said

Wow chloe that's great I'm so happy for you you I said genuinely happy for my sister she has been through so much .

Chloe doesn't know I know she has depression and anxiety ,but I do. I just don't say nothing because I'm scared I don't know she would react if she knew I knew what she was doing .

I just hope maybe Daniel will help her so she won't be so stress all a time . Maybe she will learn how to love . I can feel it this is a new era in chloe's life where she will finally be free mentally .

So tell me about the beach what y'all did I asked my sister waiting to hear the sugar honey ice tea . "We just talked and get to know each other . We also told each other how we had a crush on each other " chlo said .

Wow chloe that's huge but scary because y'all just met .

"I know Halle but it's crazy because when I start talking to him it's like I knew him all my life . Like I can tell him any and everything "

Okay my sis is in love love . Well on that note let's get you ready for this date .

I called our hair stylist Jonathan he is the best of best when I mean to braids to dreads to wigs he can do it all okurrr !!!!!!

I called our hair stylist Jonathan he is the best of best when I mean to braids to dreads to wigs he can do it all  okurrr !!!!!!

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Chloe Jonathan is here to to do you hair ."okay " I heard her say
Hey Jonathan I said to Jonathan
"Heyy" he said holding his hair bag and ring lights with Dior on is side .

Hi Dior I came running to him. He is so cute thanks for bringing him Jonathan. "Girl you betta be happy I love yo ass cause I was about to leave his bad ass at home "

I love you to and you know I would have got on you ass if you would have left him at home "

Chloe POV
Heyy Jonathan I said walking downstairs. " Heyy Mrs I have a date tonight " he said in a squeaky voice .

Eww don't do that I don't even sound like that I said laughing. "Yeah okay let's get started so you can get ready for this date girly . If you don't mind me asking who is it ? 

Jonathan you ass is so fucking annoying but if you really wanna know he is Daniel Ezra From All American .

"Ohhh shit the one you had a crush on since the show aired on TV" he said while doing my hair .Yes him I can't wait he makes when wanna stop everything for him .

"Well I'm happy for you chlo bear you really deserve some one like that . Some one to give you everything , because Diggy was not it sis with his cheating ass " Jonathan said .

Diggy is my toxic ex . He was the reason I went into deep depression . He was the start of my drug and drinking problem. We were engaged until his side chick Lisa said she was pregnant I was so embarrassed I had to let him go .

"All done beautiful " Jonathan said while spraying hair spraying on my long locks .

Thank you so much Johnny I said the  looking in mirror imma look so cute for my date .

After I took some pictures I went in my room and put on my clothes for the date . Damn I look so good he might put a baby in me like who wouldn't in fit okay . I went downstairs where my Halle and Jonathan was and showed them my outfit and they love it .

I can't wait for this date .

AN: Heyy y'all how yall feeling ??? sorry for the late update I was trying to make this one longer . Love y'all 💕💕💕make sure to comment like and share ~Love

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