Chapter One

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~Morning dawned on the Moon Temple high on mount Wulffram. The two large golden suns beamed down their bright rays. Waking most of the staff. The Temple sat on the top of the largest mountain built in the direction of the rising suns. The tall pure white column all along the outside held the writings of past Channings. Six hundred Lycans lived within the Temple walls. Keeping them standing, providing help to those who ask, and teaching the way of Goddess Minerva.
But one Rendell still slept in his bunk. Kye Cuan. 2 months into being a Rendell and he was finally about to be placed in his area of most good by his master. Kye is 47 years old, but in Lycan he was still basically a puppy. His master was well over 200. He stood around 5'4, tan skin, short black hair, and dark brown eyes. He was small and lean but far from puny. He held his own against most of his village when they fought. That said he was very clumsy. Always falling over something, his mother would say.
Kye came from the Jungle area of the world known as, Kerjack. He was a full blooded Uwais and trained all his life to be here, but still he laid asleep.


Kye Cuan shot up in his bunk, blinking in the light.

"Come on Kye. You will be late again."

His bunkmate Varg Jouni, hissed from the bottom bunk. Kye leap out of bed to the floor grabbing his sack.

"I know. This sunrise crap isn't for me."

"Shouldn't have become a Rendell then."

Varg grunted from behind his book. Kye made his bed then ran off into the hall.
The underground area of the Temple is where everyone slept is different bunk houses. Kye just had to run half way across the Temple to get to his master. Today was his big day. Becoming a Rendell was not the hard part. Getting past the 2 first months of proofing was. But somehow he made it. All was well. Today he was going to be placed. Finally his last step in life was about to come to pass.
Rounding a corner he found his master waiting for him just outside the Temple.

"Good morning Master Ulmer."

Kye said jogging up to him.

Ulmer was an old worn man. His silver hair was long down his back, brown eyes that held wisdom. The old robes he worn looked like they have never been washed. He scowled at Kye and said.

"Almost late..."

"Almost isn't late."

Kye said fixing his bag.

"I remembered everything and twice that."

"Good. Come with me."

Ulmer lead Kye down a long hall. He had been in many rooms but never this way before. Kye was growing nervous. Ulmer glanced back at him.

"Calm yourself Cuan. This will be no different than a healers duties."

"Just on more noble wolves."

Kye said softly.

"Ones who have defeated the Banda."

Ulmer paused for a moment, taking a breath.

"The Ethelwulf have always protected us. From any and all threats. It is our duty to see they that are taken care of."

"Yes master. That is what scares me. I know how to fix broken bones and such but I've never touched a Banda wound."

"Just follow your teachings Cuan. You will be fine."

Ulmer pushed open a large door and stood aside.

"Congratulations. You have been placed in the Eden room."

Kye kept his reserve but inside he was screaming. His mother is going to be so proud.

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