Chapter Three

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+Crixus awoke the next morning by the Channing getting his things ready around him. Both he and Kye had slept in the ready room just near the base of the rest of the mountain. He saw Kye up and awake speaking with his room master. Grunting and stretching he woke up slowly. Channing Rai came over and bowed her head slightly.

"Good morning Adalwolf. Would you like food before you leave?"

"No. I will eat when I rest out there. I need my armor."

"Of course."

Crixus stood up as Kye came over.

"I'm nervous."

"What else is new pup."

Crixus growled.

"I will keep you safe. You parents won't have to worry."

Kye nodded fumbling with his bag strap.


Crixus sighed heavily and called to another Channing.

"Get my Rendell some armor as well."

Kye smiled and looked up at him.


"Whatever. Change sides."

They both changed into their wolf hybrid forms. It was called that all fighting must be done within the wolf pelt. Human hands must never kill.
Crixus was massive in his pelt. A short mane road down his head towards his tail, to protect from blows to the spine and neck area. He was all black but a small white patch over his left eye. His mother was spotted, it reminded him of her every time he changed. His big canines grew an extra inch to assist in hunting. A trait only Lycurgas and their children were blessed with. Standing 7 feet tall and rattled with muscle and battle scars Crixus was a very imposing figure.
Kye on the other hand was a Uwais. A much smaller form suited their race. In the jungle, being nimble and quick was much better than bulky and rough looking. Kye stood at a solid 5'6, thin and sleek, his body was meant for running and leaping. His short muzzle held small teeth to grab and hold instead of kill and rip. He was tan colored and kept his normal brown eyes. Pointed ears held high on his head, he looked like a sly fox.

Crixus thought it amusing how small he was compared to himself. Such a pup.

"How did you hunt anything like that?"

Kye smiled and looked away.

"I'll show you Farkas. You'll marvel at my skill."

Crixus chuckled and went to Rai.

"My armor. How I've missed it."

Crixus and Kye were fitted with chest pieces, arm braces, as well a small haunch coverings. Bearing the symbol of the Moon Temple, Crixus could literally feel Kye wanting to jump for joy.

"You reserve yourself well pup."

He just smiled back, happy as a fish in water. Crixus shook his head sighing.


Rai smiled at him.

"You were once in his shoes Adalwolf. Not many remember you running through these halls as well as I do. Watch over Cuan."

Crixus gazed at Rai kindly.

"I am not the caring type. Tunstall expects to much from me."

"Honestly Farkas...I think it's about time you start expecting more from yourself."

Rai patted his armored chest, looked him in the eye, then left his side. Crixus went to argue more but Olcan showed up.

"Nice to see Rai still somewhat likes you. Are you and Cuan ready?"

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