avengers meet and greet

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*A week later*

"Oh and kid, everyone's coming over for dinner tonight." Tony said as he and Peter were eating leftover pizza for breakfast. Peter didn't know what to say. He and Mr Stark were getting along great, yet he still felt like a burden somtimes. Also, only Tony and Bruce knew he was Spiderman, so that might be interesting.

"...ok" Peter said, trying to cover up how uncertain he sounded. Tony looked up from the pizza he was eating, to see Peter fiddling with his own pizza.

"Ok, one) that was the a very hesitant 'ok' and two) why aren't you eating your pizza?" Peter looked up, shocked that Tony was staring at him with a small, understanding expression.

"Oh, uh one) they might not like me, and two) I feel kinda sick." Peter explained. Tony give more of a understanding expression. Peter hadn't been eating too well. He was still getting used to the idea of actually getting fed, but he still always said he felt sick after one or two bites.

"Ok, one) they're gonna love you, remember they already met you? And two) you don't have to finish it if you don't want to." Tony said with a smile. Peter forgot all about that quick meet and greet with the avengers last time. And how he had a sensory overload and passed out. Great. He thought to himself. Now he was even more nervous.

"One) I'll try my best to not be weird, and two) thanks." Peter said while Standing up to clear his plate, slightly guilty of wasting a tiny slice of pizza. Everytime he went to clean a plate he'd see all the tiny pieces that someone could eat.

Tony chuckled at how long they'd been talking like that. "one) thanks, and two) your welcome" he said as he also got up to clean his plate. He saw the worried look on Peter's face and assumed it was nerves about the avengers, and also feeling bad about food. Even though he'd only been living with Tony for a week, Tony could already infer from his expressions what he was thinking.

"It's ok Pete." Tony said as he placed a hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him. Peter just gave him a shrug in return and asked if they could work in the lab, and of course Tony accepted that offer.


After working in the lab for over 4 hours, it was 5:37, meaning the avengers were all going to be at the tower in around 10 minutes. Peter sighed, preparing himself for socialising.

They were both waiting at the door, in comftorble silence. "So," Tony started, trying to make conversation. Peter looked up, and decided to try and make conversation, hoping his mind wouldn't go anywhere dark. "who's your favourite avenger? You know, besides me and all." Tony said with an over confidant smirk. Peter playfully rolled his eyes. "um, well I like Mr Banner! He's got awesome books! I've read them all ever since I was like...7? I'd read them when I'd feel lonley, which is all the time, but- now I..not...so lonley." Peter said, staring off with a smile but the. Slowing down as he noticed how pathetic that probably would have sounded.

Tony just smiled at him and placed a hand on his back, reasurring him he's gonna be great. "he is pretty awesome I guess." He said looking ahead, trying to not bring attention to what Peter said as he seemed embarrassed by it.
They spent the next 5 minutes talking about Bruce's books until a flashy private plane landed outside in full view.

And then they all came.

First that walked in was Steve, giving a smile and nod to Peter to say hello. Then came in Bruce, who looked sympathetically at Peter and smiled. Then there was Nat who gave a wide eyed look at Peter. Then there was Clint who walked past making a funny face, then lastly Thor walked in and dropped his hammer on the ground giving a booming smile to Peter. Peter gave them all a smile back.

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