back in business

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*I completely forgot that I added Rhodey to the story, so...he's not in it. Forget about him, lol. Sorry*

Peter pov

I woke up at exactly 2:38am

For once, I didn't wake up to a night mare. Every single night I have a nightmare, but then I fall back asleep.

This night, I hadn't had a nightmare. Well, I hadn't really had a dream In gernal.

The thing that woke up me up was my senses.

In particular, my ears.

They could hear somthing, but I couldn't hear it well from my room.

I didn't know what to do. Do I get up and look for it? Stay back and sleep?

I tried to sleep, but my senses wouldn't stop.

It sounded like a whistle...high pitch... ringing noise?

It was really annoying.

After ten minutes of putting up with it I decided to get up and try and grab a snack.

Tony had told me multiple times that I can have a snack in the middle of the night. Somtimes I do, but it's barley anything.

I slowly crept out of my bed. I didn't really want to make a noise, so I walked on the roof, hanging upside down.

I got bored in the tower when it was just me and Tony, so I learnt where the most creaky spots were, and turned out that the roof was pretty silent, so I climbed on it.

I walked upside down all the way to the kitchen.

The ringing noise just kept getting louder and more high pitched.

I didn't sense it was a danger, though. Which was most annoying.

It was just...a noise. But it was... different.

I walked over to the fridge and slowly crept down to be right side up, feet on the ground to get a snack.

I opened the fridge and looked at it.

What to eat.

There was fruit, eggs, milk, yoghurt, chocolate...the list goes on.

The more I looked at all the food, the more I didn't feel like eating.

I quietly closed the door and was about to go back to my room, when I focused back to the ringing noise. Still going

I walked on the roof, back to my room, but in the middle of the hallway, the ringing noise became too much for me to handle. It blasted through my ears and without even trying, I suddenly unstuck and fell to the ground.

"Ow..." I mumbled as I layed there on the ground.

I planned on staying there, but as I turned to my side I was met with Tony in his...suit?

His repulsors was targeted straight at my face, and when he finally saw it was me, his mask opened up and he put down his repulsors.

"Oh thank god, I thought you were a creep." He said as he let out a sigh.

I gave a small giggle but then the noise came in again.

I squinted my eyes trying to focus more, but the noise kept ringing in my head. It was like a headache, but way worse.

"Sensory overload? Is that why youre up?" Tony asked, stepping out of his suit.

Was it a sensory overload? "Umm...yes? I don't's only my ears..." I responded.

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