
346 9 4

Peter pov

"HELP!" Came a muffled scream from the end of the house

I darted across, towards a tiny linen wardrobe I heard the voice from. The door was covered in ash and fire was quickly surrounding it.

I rushed to open the door, swinging it open I saw 2 people. An elderly women and an elderly man, I assumed they were married.

They both screamed, not realising somone else was in the house with them.

"Its ok!" I frantically reasured them. They both had wide eyes and the women had tears streaking her cheeks. "Are you hurt?" I asked.

I needed to know how to get them out of the house safely.

The women choked on her words as she frantically spoke. "My- my husband's leg!"

I looked at the man's leg, he had blood spilling out his knee cap and a big graze along his suit. "I can't walk," he spoke through clenched teeth, trying to keep his composure.

I looked at the wife, she looked like she could faint any second.

Who do I chose??

Right on time, a fireman ran up behind me with a mask helping him breath. His uniform was dirty and he looked like he had a tough day.

Before giving him the chance to talk, I spoke. "you take her-!" I pointed at the women, hopefully she didn't take that in a rude way, "I'll take him!" I pointed at the man.

I scoped up the man, bridal style, just as the Firman picked up the women.

I took the lead, carefully dodging objects on fire, making my way to the door leading outside.

We both ran safely out of the house with the couple in our arms.

Outside, ambulance were there along with a fire brigade, im assuming the fireman came from.

I ran the man over to the ambulance as the fireman followed. We safley placed them down so they sat in the back of ambulance, out of harms way.

Neighbors and bystanders nearby cheered.

"Nice work spiderman," the friendly fireman said. I nodded a 'thankyou, you too.' The man took off his helmet, gloves and mask. He sighed at the freedom of uniform.

"But we'll take it from here." He said as he walked off towards the truck.


I ran to the man. "Are you sure you dont need help??" I asked while we leaned on the firtruck.

Hopefully he didn't see me as annoying but i needed to help.

The ringing noise played up again. I cringed my eyes trying to ignore it.

"Im sure." He began. "We just need to wait out the fire until the other firebrigades get here."

I widened my eyes. "Isnt that like..dangerous??" I asked in disbelief.

"You want to talk to me about danger?"

I opened my mouth to speak, but closed it again. I did create danger and trouble.

"And besides," he continued. "We've evacuated pedestrians, and with no one else in the house, it's perfectly safe to wait an hour."

Hearing this, the lady behind us gasped. Tears burst from her eyes and she stood up in panic although she looked pale as a sheet. "No!" She gasped.

Her pupils were dialated and she looked tired. She was in distress and probably a little insane.

Or so the firman thought.

"Ma'am please, we're doing the best we can," the fireman spoke to the women.

"No! You c-cant!" She yelled. Her eyes shadowed her remembering somthing, but her lips couldnt make the right words.

I turned my gaze to the house. Somthing was off.

The women chocked on her words as i stood there in anticipation, waiting on adrenaline for her to explain what she had rememberd.

Part of me wanted to shout out for her to just say it, but i could see guilt and pain on her face.

"I rememeber-!" She began.

Yes, say it...say it! I thought.

"Oh!" She bust into tears and slammed her hands on her eyes as she sulked.

A big gasp echoed from behind the women. The elderly man pointed towards the house with shock on his face.

"Our son's still in there!" He yelled as he remembered.

I turned towards the house. As if on cue, the roof started to cave in more and was minutes away from crashing into the floor below.

I turned to the firman. He was rushing to put on his gloves and helmet and maks, and also needed go grsb emergency supplies in case.

There wasnt enough time.

"Stay here and contact that firetruck!" I yelled behind me as i ran towards the house in flames.

I didnt hear the firman protest or yell in response, but as i looked back i saw him comfroting the elderly women and talking on the phone, hopefully to the brigade.

I braced myself.


Sorry this one is so short, im tryin my best to prioritize! Stay safe

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