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Peter pov

As I left the room I got a sudden bad feeling in my stomach.

Not the kind I get when I'm sick, but the kind I get when I think.....I know that something's wrong.

I kept walking towards my room to grab my suit. If they weren't gonna let me train, I might as well go help people.

Otherwise I'm completely useless.

I grabbed my suit, about to get changed, but saw the oximeter.

I decided to check my blood toxicity levels, just becaus a tiny part of me was hoping this was all a dream and that I'd wake up and feel fine.

I placed it on my fingers, waited and hoped.

A minutes passed, I looked down and saw my destiny fall before me.

Blood toxicity levels: 95%

Karen told the truth. I had only 3 hours left. I didn't know what to do then.

I was gonna die, so what's the point?

Would anyone even miss me?

How the heck do you get rid of poison?

Questions swirled in my mind and a few minutes passed without me realising.

My anxiety got the best of me and I placed the oximeter on my finger, holding, of possible, the percent would have down down in the last 5 minutes.

I looked down and nothing changed.

Not even the current time in the corner, which meant it was frozen.

"Great..." I muttered. I dropped the now useless oximeter on the ground and continued getting changed into my suit.

If the oximeter was frozen, I couldn't use it, meaning I had no way to track the poison.

I placed my mask on and heard Karen's calming voice.

"Hello, Peter." She spoke.

I don't really know why, but hearing her voice again made me tear up.

Heavy breaths escaped my mouth, and I finally responded with, "hey, Karen. Can you do me a favour?"

"Sure thing."

Never in a million years did I think I'd need to ask this, but here we are. "If somones blood toxicity levels reached 100%, how long would they have to live?" I asked.

I was denying the obvious, and hoping for the unrealistic.

"Only 4 minutes." She spoke.

My eyes stopped dead. Thats it?

"Oh.." I said, not directly to anyone. The words hung in the air.

I gulped. "what was the favour, Peter?" Karen asked.

" you have an internal oximeter installed?" I asked.

"Yes. Would you like me to record your blood levels?" Karen asked. In a way, Karen was now my only friend.

Sure I had the other avengers, but I'm sure they only put up with me because Tony's my dad.

"Somthing like that..." I mumbled.

I climbed out of my window, now fully in my Spiderman suit.

I didn't really know what I was looking for, but just anything. The ringing noise was still going on, but I didn't feel like dealing with Flash.

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