Medbay. again

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Worried chills crawled up their spines as the avengers all rushed up to Peter.

"Peter?" Tony gasped. Bruce sprinted to the med bay to get ready and sorted.

Steve carefully picked up Peter,
His shirt getting soaked in blood. He glanced at Tony and his shoulders dropped.

Tony stood Infront of Peter, holding tightly on to his hand. "You're gonna be ok," he kept repeating, trying to reassure himself More than anyone.

Everyone heard Bruce yell from the medbay, so Steve carried Peter down the hall, with Tony hurriedly following.

Steve placed Peter down on the bed that he's been on wayyy too many times. Bruce looked at the stab wound with worry all over his face.

He looked up to see all the avengers crowded around. "Guys, go leave, I'll deal with this." He said.

Tony held onto Peters hand tightly and looked Bruce straight in the eyes. "No." He said. "I'm not leaving."

Everyone sighed. "Tony," Steve started to reason. Stephen tugged on his arm in the direction of the door. Tony stayed put. "no." Tony argued.

"Come on Tony, it's late-" Nat tried to reason.

"I'm not leaving him." Tony snapped back. Bruce glanced down at Peter and The continuosly out flowing blood. "Tony," he started with a hint of sternest in his voice. He gave Tony a look that told him to listen. "I can't operate until you leave." He stated.

Tonys eyebrows frowned and his eyes teared. He looked down to Peters pained face. He gave in and turned around slowly.

Everyone followed sadly as he walked out the room for Bruce to work.


Everyone walked to the Loungeroom silently. They had so many questions and no answers.

Loki sighed deeply. Sick of the silence, he turned on the tv.

No one paid attention and continued doing there own thing. Loki and Thor were partnering up against Clint, Wanda and Nat in monopoly. Steve and Bucky were staring at their phones, trying to work it out.

Stephen was reading on the couch. Sam was slightly watching the tv, half listening and half drawing. And Tony was standing at the window, trying to distract himself. They were ready for an all nighter.

"Breaking news; The man responsible for the afternoon shooting has been put in jail and discovered to be Aridam Conner." Said the news reporter.

Everyones heads popped up to listen.

"Aridam Conner was responsible for a part of the 'official deceased' initiative in 2007 before it ended,"

"So he was telling the truth?" Tony asked out loud, not believing it.

"But 'official deceased' never started again since 2007 as the Court decided against."

Everyone stared at Tony. "...spoke too soon." He said with a slight smile. Then they all turned their attention back to the tv.

"Aridam Conner was found on 46 Winston Rd under a warehouse after supposedly attacking Spiderman."

Everyone was too shocked to gasp, their mouths just opened wide.

"A trail of blood was found following along to pathway. No more details are known. Now, back to you for the weather, Gwen." The news reporter finished.

Sam was the first to speak. "So...Peter...caught the bad guy? The bad guy we were trying to catch?"

Tony sighed. "And got stabbed in the Process."

"Damm," Clint said. "I think he was in shock when he got here, too."

"Why do you think that?" Nat adjusted her seating on the ground.

Clint looked around the room like it was the most obvious thing ever. "He wasn't crying."

Tony raised an eyebrow. "He's also very strong, so maybe..." He began.

"I don't doubt that," Clint spoke over Tony. "But mentally strong, or physically, anyone would cry or at least choke on their words more."

Tony stayed quiet in thought.

"Thats just what I think, anyway." Clint addressed to the silence after seeing Tonys deflated reaction. "I could be wrong." He added.

Nat chuckled. "You normally are."

Everyone else including, Tony laughed.

They all stayed awake for a total of 4 hours with Tony being the first to fall asleep.


Once again, Bruce silently left the Medbay after operating on Peter.

He had done been in the medbay for around 6 hours, making sure Peter was alright, which thankfully he was.

He left the Medbay at 3:04 (am) and headed towards the Loungeroom because he needed something.

Walking into the Loungeroom, he saw everyone fast asleep. Tony was leaning against the arm of the couch, Nat and Clint were on the ground, with Nats hand inches away from Clint's nose with a clenched fist.

Strange was on the couch in an..akward position. Sam was on the couch on the opposite end of Tony.

Wanda was on a bean bag.

Thor was on the ground with his back towards the wall, and Loki was facing his back towards Thor.

Steve was asleep on the ground with Bucky almost touching his feet. Bruce walked over and tapped Steve's shoulder. "Psst...psst!"

Steves eyes opened with his pupils big. "Wha...what?" Steve asked after yawning.

"I need you to take Peter to bed." Bruce said. He extended his arm out to help Steve up.

"Sure..." Steve said with another big yawn. They walked towards the medbay. "But why?"

Bruce opened the door and the two walked in to see Peter, asleep on the medbay bed with a bloody stained bandage wrapped around his stomach and chest, along with basic shorts on.

"Because I don't want him to wake-up alone in here." Bruce said. He's never said it out loud, but Peter meant a lot to him. "And besides," Bruce continued. "I'm planning on doing a big clean up tomorrow and I'd rather him not be here." He said with a chuckle.

Steve picked up Peter carefully. "Fair enough." He said.

Bruce opened the door for Steve. "You sure he's ok?" Steve asked as he walked down the hallway with Bruce on his heels. "postive! He only lost like 2 litres of blood." Bruce said.

Steve squinted his eyes with high eyebrows. "..."only"??" He repeated as if Bruce was being too calm.

"Losing 2 litres of blood is really dangerous yes, but losing 2.5 litres could Of made him die." Bruce said.

Steve nodded slowly. "So let's be glad he has fast healing, otherwise he wouldn't of been able to walk back to the tower." Bruce spoke.

By now they were at Peter's room. Steve walked in first and placed Peter down on his bed. "So he's...ok?" Steve asked just to clarify.

Bruce gave another Chuckle. "He'll live."

Steve gave a sigh and motioned to Bruce that they should leave.

He left the door slightly open in case Peter was to wake up.

Bruce and Steve walked off to the Loungeroom to join everyone else in their peaceful slumber.


A/N I'm sorry for such a short chapter! School has been busy! I'll try and update the next one quicker.

Stay safe!

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