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After that weird encounter, Peter walked back to the tower. He had only been in town for around an hour, and Tony was really releaved that he came back in one piece.

Peter walked into the Loungeroom with the book hidden behind his back.

"Hey Pete!" Tony shouted.

Tony was quickly approaching, so Peter activated his web shooters, and threw the book in the air, shooting a web, making it hang from the roof, out of Tony's sight.

Peter opened both arms and waved just to make sure Tony wouldn't think he was hiding somthing. "Hey!" He said with a smile.

Back in the Loungeroom, Thor was mad that he lost first at monopoly, and was complaining to Loki, when Loki said, "Brother, look, Peter's smiling. Thats sure to make you happier?"

Thor looked up to see Peter smiling in the next room. He smiled and said, "I suppose."

Back to Tony and Peter, Tony said, "so, what'd you do?"

Peter said, "oh not much, had a snack, sat at a bench, all that. And, what did you do?" Peter asked trying to change the subject.

Tony gave a chuckle and said, "I finished a suit for you. New and improved." Peters eyes widened. "really??" He asked in aw.

Tony laughed more and said, "yep. It's in my bag right now, I was about to go find you."

Peter gave an akward laugh and said, "oh, cool cool." When really, he was thinking, 'thankgod he didn't see me at the library.'

Tony gave a smile and said, "yea! Oh yea, anyway- Were you spotted?"

Peter gave a huge smile and urged Tony away from the book. He could hear the web starting to thin, and beginning to break.

"Nope! Nope, nope! Actually, I'd love to start with that at home Learning stuff, do you mind if I...?" Peter said, keeping a close eye to the book. He used his thumb to vaguely point to the direction of his room.

"Oh, definitely. Just don't over work Yourself!" Tony said with a smile.

Peter smiled and chuckled. He could hear the book having 8 seconds before it would slam into the ground.

"Ok, bye!" He yelled as he spun around.

The book fell as Peter was running towards it, but with his awesome athleticism ability, he caught it in time. Tony tuned around to see where Peter was going, and Peter pretended to tie his shoelace. "ok then, meet back in an hour though, we're going to go out for tea." Tony said as he turned back to the Loungeroom and walked towards everyone. "Will do!" Peter yelled as he ran towards his room.

Peter stepped into his room, immediately shut he door, and went straight to his desk.


Back in the Loungeroom:

"So, we're going out for tea?" Wanda asked to clarify.

Tony clapped his hands together and said, "yep! My treat."

Everyone stopped what they were doing and Sam finally addressed what everyone was wondering.

"Why?" He asked.

Tony spoke as he walked and sat on the floor near Clint and Strange.

"Because, Ive realised that up until now, me and Peter have only hung out when it had to do with spiderman, or you know, he was close to dying " he said.

Steve and Bruce nodded their head in agreement. "So, I want us to do more as a family. But I don't want him to freak out, so..." Tony continued.

"So you want us to come and make it less akward?" Nat asked.

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